Curious, how many users here actually use ActivityPub's capabilities to see other social media sites? to – 58 points –

I've always wondered how many people actually decide to use something like mastodon to see Lemmy posts. I mean I know how inadequate it can be with a lack of a proper UI but I'm just wondering. Especially, with the infinite possibilities this can have.


On Lemmy, I sure use it a ton between different Lemmy instances and KBin! On Mastodon I only use it to communicate across Mastodon instances really, but neither service would be the same without the ability to see posts from other instances.

Same here, except I’m on Firefish and I use it to view Mastodon and Misskey.

Considering that the vast majority of comments on every thread (including this thread) are from users on different instances than OP, I’m going to answer: “literally everyone on Lemmy, constantly, and on every post”.

It sounds like what you meant to ask was more about interoperability between different platforms, but keep in mind that even if other platforms didn’t exist, Lemmy would not be what it is without ActivityPub federation.

I do! On kbin, if you set hashtags for your magazine /community then the Microblogs section is populated with Mastodon posts that use those tags.

I have a tiny community on and I like going into the microblogs section and interacting with Mastodon people. It's just a fun extra.

I've slso started following some of them, though I'm not sure how that part works yet.

I think most lemmy or mastodon users don't even realise we're on kbin when they read our comments.

Even in this thread, a large proportion of the comments are from kbin users.

That is a crazy thought really. Us being able to communicate. I always really love to see the @ handles for some instances as it brings on this togetherness and uniqueness that no other site (or really protocol) gives me. Honestly kinda weird some apps prefer to hide that instance label rather than show it.

I think you're right. Outside of Lemmy I don't think many people have heard of kbin so the mastodon people probably think we're a mastodon instance.

I want to start posting microblogs somewhere and see if any of them see it.

Edit: posted one and a mastodon account I mentioned upvoted it so yes they can see us under some circumstances!

This is one of the best things about Kbin!

Yeah, I'm not clear either. At first I thought the microblogs section would work more like Mastodon but that doesn't seem to be the case. Big missed opportunity

Ernest is still building it so I think we are going to see more functionality around the underdeveloped aspects. He was kind of swamped by the reddit influx.

I just posted my first microblog today. Nothing fladh just an article I liked.

I credited/mentioned the mastodon account I got the link from. The mastodon account person came by and upvoted it, so clearly we are able to get interactions with them. Exciting!

My mastodon account follows a few lemmy communities but I find the formats for each don't transfer well. I'll sometimes switch from one to another if I specifically want to make a retoot of a comment and direct attention to a community.

I tried following lemmy communities using mastodon, but it wasn't pretty. everytime someone posts a comment I receive a separate post on tusky, without context (both the original post, or parent comment are missing) and I would need to click each time on a post to go back up the tree, mastoton and its clients need to do some work to improve interoperability with other platforms,

but unfortunaly the only platform Mastodon recognises and is excited about joining is threads. I have never seen them address the existance of other fediverse projects.

I follow lots of Kbin and Lemmy instances. And while I don't really have any interest in microblogging, I've had a few conversations in Lemmy comment sections with Mastodon users, so that's pretty cool.

I haven't used it at all. The fediverse can communicate with eachother, sure, but every website has its own ways of browsing and listing posts. Websites have to make a bridge to another website so you can actually interact with them in a way that makes sense, like how kbin has its own way to interact with Mastodon.

Unless someone makes a super app that lets you browse each implementation with one account, I think the Fediverse will mostly stay split with limited cross-app communication.

With Fedilab, which I mainly use for Mastodon, I browse peertube and if I'm logged out of lemmy/kbin I happen to like posts from that account, on mobile I find it difficult to use multiple apps. I find that app has pretty complete support to most fediverse sites

I don't, i have seperate accounts for each one because I have different uses for each one.

If I'm right Lemmy devs haven't implemented observing others platforms yet. I mean Mastodon, Pixelfed and the others.

If the person who posts on mastodon mentions a community on lemmy, their toot appears as a post in that community on lemmy. It happened on !

I see mastodon users here once in a while. kbin users, too!

Yeah, I'm interested in being able to access Funkwhale and Lemmy from the same place, myself.

Do I count since I'm on kbin mobile right now?

I haven't done a lot with it myself yet, but I have noticed that a solid half of the people who interact with my Pixelfed posts are coming from Mastodon. Probably because the hashtags work across the two? I guess?

Yeah the hashtags reach out to really any instance that is atleast related to Mastodon. I've seen a few ones and a few others i forgot the names to but they both share alot

I tend to use Lemmy most often just because it's easier to interact with Lemmy and kbin that way, but I have Mastodon, Lemmy, kbin, and pixelfed posts in my feed on my Calckey instance, so I can at least browse communities I'm subscribed to through there.

What would be nice is some way to sync subscriptions and blocks across platforms and between instances. I'd probably be using my own instance more often if that were a bit easier.

Some content from Lemmy I prefer to consume on Mastodon.

Using lemmy directly will give you more control over the post and lemmy specific features...