1 Post – 99 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Sup. Was from

According to FL, this is a-ok for children to see and quite preferable over trans people.

or mastodon/threads mainly

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“Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not drone strikes.”

Yes my satellite that is actively being used in a war should be designed only for Netflix and chill.


I'm so glad people are calling Bluesky out for the trash service it is. I just mastodon outlasts this crap and we get more people on there than bluesky

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Fair. One day that recommendation will end up being a lemmy instance instead.

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You know out of all things i miss the candy names

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I would say Apple isn't as severe as something like Meta or "X" but the amount of influence apple has over the industry is insane. There's a reason why so many laptops are losing ports "because the MacBook has it" or why smartphones are stagnating and when they "innovate" they're just removing more features like the SD card reader all simply because "Apple did it". Hell, Windows has been trying to be like Mac OS for years from its flat minimal design to its oversimplification of its design to trying to make their own "eco system". Apple's influence can even extend beyond tech with their flat minimalist, corporate design being applied to every industry and building and design ever to be conceived in 2023. Everyone is trying to be Apple from Tech companies to fast food joints. Truly if we measure their influence and the power they carry moving entire industries to do various things. They are one of the most powerful company in silicon valley. Everything we hate about modern tech and how restrictive it is can be sourced all the way back to Apple.

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It has a lot to do with SCOTUS. She decides to hold her position for as long as she lives and when she dies there won't be any other candidate. This leads to a president or some clever figure to decide to send "their guy" to replace them and as such leads to the rights of many being removed. I mean that's how MTG got in really and here we are with Roe V. Wade being demolished and every red state under the sun taking away women's rights. All thanks to our brave hero RGB.

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Time to rethink Windows 10 support cycle then?

This doesn't stop Microsoft. It only encourages them to do it harder.

Bold of you to assume that they even can see their kids.

I still can't believe these release groups do their services for free. Godbless.

just make an account on dbzero and use that.

Apple pride

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Actually she's quite a 8 or 9 rather for my score. You should checkout my ratemywomen page as well /s

A pocket knife and a screw driver set (with some small ones just for good measure)

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I wouldn't say its a return of traditional forums. Far from it really design wise. I think its more of a return to independence and decentralization. I think we're done with the whole "Web 2.0. Everything in one convenient place" and want to back to an era where things were much harder to find and communities were a lot more separated and dedicated to their own spaces. The fediverse isn't the end all be all and we're gonna suddenly go back to the 90s but to me, it's an honest step in the right direction that could really change the internet for the better.

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I believe I remember they had a crypto thing going on

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Is there a place on mastadon I can bitch about FedEx?

#fuckfedex #fedex

none of these words were in the bible.

Its reactionary bullshit. Republicans have just become the "anti-democrats"

Windows (Linux Edition)

-You can now remove system32

I feel like the point of that video though was to point out how a common user using linux would just make these kind of mistakes which do happen and are legitimate. That's one of the reasons why I enjoy Linux Mint so much really. Simple to use and not too much of a hassle while also slightly helping you understand some of the easier aspects of Linux.

You may think no one cares but you'd be surprised how many people are happy about this update.

Also never really heard of stubbs before 0_0

I wonder which generation could be responsible for such a "useless generation".

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Does cheating in games justify downright deactivating custom accessories?

meh, I'd say a mix of lack of ability to advertise efficiently on services like mastodon and lemmy and the fact that Lemmy and Mastodon are still in their "infancy" (I can't say that about the latter since its pretty old in comparison to lemmy). Also, lack of marketing power compared to something like meta with billions of dollars of resources and all the motivation to try to get people to move away from Twitter and onto their services. This is new tech so I'd rather just stick to being niche for now and enjoy the experience. Its not going to last long and maybe soon by the next year we're going to see alot progression.


Not even. Remember he was funding people like Andrew Tate thousands of dollars. Nothing is gonna get these people out unless they get charged to use twitter

He should start charging the users to make up for the loss ;) (praying and hoping this damn site dies soon)

Wow you should run as governor. I should you give you a suggestion between Florida or Texas.

I mean really if you don't like your current DE, you can always just switch within your own distro. For example, you can switch from cinnamon to gnome for mint.

What does the movie have anything to do with this?

A bunch of my friends laughed when I said I was sad this service was ending because they were like “wtf? Who gets/uses DVDs??”

As they later pay $17 a month (and soon maybe even more) to barely watch any movies or have their favorite and shows get removed or cancelled for no reason.

There is a whole star trek instance conveniently enough:

Between my ps3, f91-w or my ipod. Im honestly going for my Ipod. It's pretty fun to use really.

If we're talking Windows, I'd say Windows 7 is the definitive windows version out there.

A chip in our brain is not necessary enough for animals to be literally sacrificed for "future human trials"

Go back to farming dogecoin or some shit

Don't worry Google is clearly outperforming in one thing: DRM

paying for twitter

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