Is there a business in your town, which you are 100% sure is a front? to – 501 points –

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I can't prove it, but there's a florist in my town, definitely still in business, that I have not seen a non-company-branded car in front of in actual years. Morning, noon, and night, never any customers. Never any movement from inside. The only time I ever saw the lights on was in the dead of night. The building is half-claimed by ivy.

If it weren't for the upkept greenhouse and the sign out front occasionally changing, you'd never know it wasn't totally abandoned, but it's still operating. Mob activity is the only way to explain it.

A lot of flower shops operate mostly off delivery. Probably just the local place with the 1-800-flowers (or whoever the big flower company is these days) contract.

Yea there is a tiny flower stand in the parking lot of a mall near me. I went there thinking I could get a cheaper price for flowers for my wedding. Turns out this was just a small store front to meet with clients. They actually own a warehouse where they do most of their business for companies/hotels.

They were nice and still gave me a good price if I agreed to using left over flowers. I had no idea what the flowers were going to look like until I picked them up for my weeding but it was cheap and worth it.