Tommy Tuberville Proclaims Ukraine ‘Can’t Win’ Over Russia: ‘It’s a Junior High Team Playing a College Team’

Flying to politics – 138 points –
Tommy Tuberville Proclaims Ukraine ‘Can’t Win’ Over Russia: ‘It’s a Junior High Team Playing a College Team’

Stupidest man in the Senate.


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This dirt bag has been a traitor for a long time now. He's the turd solely blocking DoD appointments as part of some religious crusade.

His crusade just cost Alabama a nice new military HQ. Genius. Congrats Colorado.

So happy we get to keep Peterson as the main Space Force base. All the infrastructure is already here and it looks like Colorado Springs won the Climate Change lottery with having daily rain since June instead of crushing heat that the Southeast has gotten.

Everything is just so green and wet here in Colorado Springs, while every other place burns.

I'm afraid we'll all just be experiencing extremes from now on. Rain for months, drought for months. Not much "normal". California was panicking over drought and fires, then it finally gets relief, and... then it's flooding. Quite surprised that hurricanes haven't been too wild yet.

It's miserable in Texas now, second year straight with all-time heat. Vegetation and wildlife suffering. Year before last it felt like it rained for months, even into summer. While winters have been all-time cold (with rare snow for two years). I mean, I get it, we're basically in Mexico, I guess it's to be expected. Envious of Colorado, looks like a nice spot and honestly I'd like to visit.