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The extra fun part is when it starts bitching at you for filling up the cloud storage allotment that you didn't know you were using.

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An idea without a plan. Reps have no replacement in mind to take up the Speaker position, making this threat even dumber than forcing a shutdown in the first place.

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While I, too, appreciate this, I honestly have no idea how to link to another Lemmy instance (or whatever we call them).

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An all-time great turnaround. Truly up there was No Man's Sky's resurrection from the dead. Cyberpunk 2077 is a masterpiece now, especially with Phantom Liberty.

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Fuck em

Our top talent would walk and we'd be left with the dregs who can't find a better job.

Yuuuuuuup. This is exactly what's happening at my job right now, after they mandated at least three in-office days per week. Only the top people are leaving, too; the chaff and the bums love it, because they no longer have to produce, rather they just have to be seen.

I'm a huge Halo fanboy and even I don't need this.


I am wholly and unironically on the orcas' side here.

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Having ads in fucking movies makes a service feel cheap / lower value. But the price is staying the same, so where's that button to cancel?

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"Clean". The quotes are crucial because it's actually, y'know, not clean.

Meta knows this is a dumb policy. This is just a way to lay off workers without actually firing people.

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File this under "the somewhat hidden costs of brinkmanship" along with the debt ceiling b.s. from a few months back.

OMB and a basically every agency they cover will spend tons of time (and thus money) doing prep work for an event that should never even be a real threat, were Congress able to govern even somewhat effectively. All that prep work happens instead of real mission work, not in addition. Just another waste that we can thank the GOP for.

Ooooooorrrrrrrrr just repeal the dumbass bans and let people control their own personal health choices.

This dirt bag has been a traitor for a long time now. He's the turd solely blocking DoD appointments as part of some religious crusade.

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Something curious has happened since the Supreme Court handed down the Dobbs decision in June 2022: More people have obtained abortions, despite increasing barriers to access.

It's amazing how inept these dipshits all are.

It's equally amazing that the US population continues re-electing their dipshits, because they believe that it's everyone else's dipshits who are the problem.

I honestly don't know if this system is capable of being repaired.

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This game will be $40 in 6 weeks and discounted to $25 during a summer sale.

Classic corporate doublespeak, IMO.

"This is bad, but bad is good."

This looks really cool. A little James Bond (gadgets), a little Mirror's Edge (1st person parkour), and then some classically wired Perfect Dark sci-fi-ish story. And it never hurts to be on Game Pass day one.

Nope. It's money. Republicans are just a symptom.

Get rid of Citizens United and watch how things change.

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I'm pumped for this game but I will never pay $30 to beta test anything.

Geez, we'd be looking at north of $20/mo. for the modern quality level/resolution.

At those rates, I'll just buy a 4K Blu-ray every month. At least that way I know I'm getting good content (and better A/V quality to boot).

"Guys, getting this whole speaker debacle figured out is SUPER important for us to get done... after we take a break for the weekend."

Wow, this is a really horrible graph. Ars has no clue how to visually convey information.

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Physical media FTW once again.

That said, I still feel bad for the people who got fucked over here. There are a lot of options Sony could have pursued in order to do right by their customers, but instead Sony chose to be shit bags about it.

There is zero reason for Democrats to throw any votes behind a Republican speaker. If the majority party can't find a leader they agree on, that's on them. Dems only need 5 Reps to back Jefferies.

Starfield can't be fixed. The game's issues are rooted in its core - procedurally generated maps, zero-consequence writing, forgettable gunplay. They could fix stuff like base building, giving it an actual purpose, for example. But in order to make exploration and role playing interesting/fun they'd have to effective make a whole new game.

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Sometimes others aren't looking to express their needs in order to find a solution to a problem... sometimes they just need to let those feelings out - they need to feel heard, and that's plenty.

Hey, hey, now! It doesn't just write full emails from merely a single sentence... it also summarizes full emails down to one sentence on the other end.

Sooooo... quit?

When my org announced RTO, I started looking for another job. A month later I had a new gig and a nice pay bump. Nobody's gonna look out for you but you, my friend.

Stop listening to this idiot. She only exists to be a distraction and/or to promote her own self-interests. She's never saying anything constructive or of any consequence.

My experience with American Airlines was basically the same. Happened to me back in checks notes last weekend.

Fuck American Airlines in particular. They gave zero shits about getting us back home, zero shits about offering a place to sleep for the night, and zero shits about refunding our tickets. Absolute garbage airline.

Still too long.

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The school could switch to a K12 comms provider that actually meets the needs of the school's end users (you). There are good options out there that enable easy multi-channel (email, SMS, voice, Twitter, etc) messaging through like two button clicks.

Until we have a justice system that convicts with 100% accuracy, supporting the death penalty means supporting the execution of a nonzero number of innocent people.

Actually true. They hooked me in the golden era of rewards points and I'll be damned if it isn't way better than Google now. Bing image search is especially great. Even their copilot thing (RIP Cortana) is useful.

What a pussy.

I thought they dropped support for Cortana. Is she back (maybe as "The Weapon")?

I get that on the surface, but we all know McCarthy cannot be trusted to keep his word on any deal.