The Fear Of AI Just Killed A Very Useful Tool to – 45 points –
The Fear Of AI Just Killed A Very Useful Tool

I do understand why so many people, especially creative folks, are worried about AI and how it’s used. The future is quite unknown, and things are changing very rapidly, at a pace that can feel out…


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A tool called Shaxpir creates a score sheet of literature, and many authors don't like that.

Saved you a click.

Also, down-vote click bait so it doesn't trend on Lemmy, please.

Techdirt is far from clickbait

Maybe. But, the headline is certainly the very definition of clickbait.

How many people have even heard of Shaxpir? If that had been in the title instead of "useful AI tool" I probably wouldn't have cared as I'd never heard of it.

"The Fear of AI killed Shaxpir" is fewer characters, explains concisely the who and what of the article, and any idiot can infer that Shaxpir is some sort of AI related tool from context. Moreover, my ignorance about what exactly Shaxpir is would spur my interest in the article, instead of driving me away with a click ait title.