Google's Web DRM is Worse than I Thought... to – 321 points –
Google's Web DRM is Worse than I Thought...

Thought I'd post the PeerTube version.


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So, what you are saying is that by checking this trust API, we can filter out everyone running unaltered big-media approved browsers and hardware? We'd end up splitting the web into two disjoint parts, one for big corporate and sheeple - and one more akin to the web of old comprised by skilled tech people and hobbyists? A rift that could finally bring an end to eternal September? ... Are we sure this proposal a bad thing?

Yes. It's very bad. Your idea assumes that the corporate side would leave the hobbyist side alone and not go on the offensive in underhanded ways. It is very much in the big tech playbook to go on the offensive in underhanded ways.

Also the corporate side would be a toxic hellscape worse than it already is

Not to mention, the corporations know that their startup competitors capable of blindsiding them come from the hobbyist levels. The threat of competition comes from that side.

Ohh this sounds amazing. Let them go all corporate on Edge and Chrome. It'll be fine for corporate IT and even better for IT and the world. I want my open web back, it's been a nosedive to mega corps for far too long.