GOP donor Anton Lazzaro sentenced to 21 years for sex trafficking minors in Minnesota to politics – 596 points –
GOP donor Anton Lazzaro sentenced to 21 years for sex trafficking minors in Minnesota

A formerly well-connected GOP donor convicted of giving teenage girls gifts, alcohol and money in exchange for sex was sentenced Wednesday to 21 years in prison on sex trafficking charges.


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That doesn't sound like the trafficking I think of. Anyone know the legal definition in this case? Still a pos of course but doesn't sound like he's like selling them as sex slaves.. Just statutory prostitutes. In any case, fuck im

He had a recruiter. Underage girls. And all paid for. The case was a federal one, too, and that has impacts.

"Human trafficking, also known as trafficking in persons, is a crime that involves compelling or coercing a person to provide labor or services, or to engage in commercial sex acts."

Seems like this falls under coercing.