The most popular Chinese keyboard app which is used by more than 450 million monthly users sends every key typed to Tencent in China. to – 2001 points –

Vulnerabilities in Sogou Keyboard encryption expose keypresses to network eavesdropping.


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I'm sure the FBI is hinting you down for talking about it right now. SAME. Tienanmen square didn't happen history erased. China=USA. Happy?

I like how it's black or white with you guys. The Tienammen sqaure massacre did happen. Can your brain even understand that i said it ? or want me so hard to be a Chinese bot because you can't fathom anyone saying America is as bad of China. You're not the worst, japan takes the cake since they're like we did nothing wrong, ever.

I like how you're pretending you're not trying to deflect

Indeed, i am the one deflecting.

What is the article about? And what are you trying to make it about?

Weak ass response.

Read my first comment and then yours. What are you trying to make my response about ?

Honestly, you don't deserve a more indepth response that that.

Thank you for the block request. I will continue calling out other people's bullshit like yours 😘

Don't worry. I won't block you. It was an insightful argument beside your name calling and childish answers.