My keyboard doesn't recognize one key without Fn to – 31 points –

I use arch, with keyboard layout "es", because I'm Spanish. My keyboard doesn't recognize the key "Insert", unless Fn is enabled, and I don't know why. I found its keycode in xmodmap -kpe: keycode 118 = Insert NoSymbol Insert NoSymbol Insert.

Since Fn takes the 7th place, I thought about changing it to keycode 118 = Insert NoSymbol Insert NoSymbol Insert NoSymbol Insert, but nothing changed.

It is strange since changing it to keycode 118 = slash NoSymbol Insert NoSymbol Insert, will only work when Fn is enabled as well, meaning that Fn+Insert = /.

Probably unimportant: There's also a keycode 90 = KP_Insert KP_0 KP_Insert KP_0 KP_Insert KP_0, but I don't know what key is. Using xev and pressing Insert with Fn enabled says it's key 118, so it shouldn't be an issue.


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Edit: Everything I said here was wrong.

In it's stead have a really bad poem.

Roses are red,
My chair is blue and white stripey,
There's not really a rhyming scheme,
And stuff.

That would be the -/_ key, or the =/+ key. There's no +/- key.

As with my response to @palordrolap, I woke up at 4am, having gone to bed at just past midnight, and had several beers after a tough shift, then assumed (obviously incorrectly) that I knew what I was talking about. Sorry for my error.

The KP_ prefix means it ought to be part of the number pad (literally Key Pad), not the regular keyboard. If there is a keyboard with such a key, I didn't turn it up with a quick Internet search. (In fact a search now turns up my mention of it in this thread via a Lemmy instance. There can't be much information about it out there if even Google is reduced to linking my comments(!))

By comparison, there's apparently a rare Brazilian number pad layout that has a dedicated comma key, which is almost certain to be KP_Comma.

I did see a couple of layouts that put a copy of the +/= key on the keypad instead of the regular +. Maybe that's what ends up with the MinPlus key code despite the name being "wrong".

Key pad....ffs........of course! I'm literally facepalming right now. I had thought Key press. That's what I get for working a long day with little sleep, then drinking several beers and thinking I should comment on things I don't know much about.