1 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Stone Mason, Canadian ExPat living in the UK, Hobbyist musician.

Well, you're really gonna hate the fat pay out he gets.

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I mean....that's a sturgeon....

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Cancel culture is perpetrated by the dirty "lefties." Boycotting Bud Light was a "stand against promoters of the wokeness."

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Yeah, was just thinking I should log in sometime. If it's gone, I got it free off epic anyway, so no big loss, but also a better reason to sail them digital season.

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We totally already have that. What version are you on?

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Even a broken clock is right twice a day....

With Clarence Thomas it's once every few decades.

Dude.....the train one is scary af!

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I usually answer the door holding a hatchet and tell them to get the fuck off my property. Tends to do the trick.

3 day no poop challenge achieved?

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I have a Samsung s5 that's still fully functioning, I use it as a music player when I'm driving as I don't use Spotify or any of that.

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Alright folks, I want to see a nice orderly queue. Pitchforks are at station one, sign one out with either Mandy or Greg(wave to the folks, guys). Station two is where you can pick up a torch. Jeff and Kenny will help you out over at station two. After getting your torch and pitchfork, please proceed to the staging area, Steph will get you all in position, and get your torches lit.
Alright guys! Enjoy your rabid mob!

Oh? So is it Jan 6 part 2? Oh man I Did Nazi That Coming!


OK, cool. Thanks for bringing back some small bit of my faith in humanity.

I made this account today because the admins stated specifically that they will defed and block meta. I moved from a larger instance, but that account only had a month and a bit of history to it, and I have no issue just closing up shop there.

Well, DIWhy you holding out on us?!

See? This is the shit I'm here for.

Ah, classic Confucius.

In an effort to make the user experience even shittier? Or maybe one of the suits saw their kid with a custom linux desktop and was like: we need to get these kids off that linux crap, and clearly the floating task bar is the clincher! *does a giant rip of cocain *

Gotcha. Super concise, thanks!

They why bit is, in my opinion, because the sink is meant to be dropped into the hole in the counter top to help keep moisture away from the underside.

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I mean....that's a completely normal reaction. At least you all made it out alive.

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Jesus.......I literally facepalmed....

I work in construction, lots of dust, I used to go through phones like crazy. That s5 was the first one I got a proper dust/damp/impact resistant case for. I bought it new about a year after it came out and it's still kicking.

Out of curiosity, what is it that usually goes wrong with the androids you bought? And what kind of androids did you get? I definitely have bought cheaper androids and had them last a handful of months.

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The Elongated Muskrat would never say anything just for clout, obviously OP just doesn't understand or appreciate his genius!

/S in case it wasn't obvious.

I also would be interested in knowing

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Is there a UK equivalent?

Technically correct, the best kind of correct.

It was hard for me to get into GTAO, because the first week I tried to play, I got sniped as soon as I spawned in from the intro mission.

No, it's EoL was November 2021, but the s5 was pretty easy to root, so as soon as it was out of warranty I put a CFW on it.
Now a question for you. Is the iPhone 6 still getting OS and security updates?

I generally buy used, and get 5 years of use from a phone, the ones I buy new basically never die. I keep the newer ones for a back up in case something happens to my current one, and the older ones I give away to friends or family that need a phone.

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I live in the UK, and have no idea what you're talking about. ELI5?

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In grade 9 we, as part of biology, watched a video of a birth. The one poor gay boy in the class puked and passed out, so at least you didn't do that?

My immediate reaction was:

Pffffffffffff.....get fucked!



Because lol

Edit: Everything I said here was wrong.

In it's stead have a really bad poem.

Roses are red,
My chair is blue and white stripey,
There's not really a rhyming scheme,
And stuff.

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Technically correct. The best kind of correct.

I'm older than you guys, late 30s, my first pc was an old DOS machine with a black and amber monitor. I found the switch to Linux really easy, and I'm pretty sure the fact I started with a CLI(Command Line Interface) helped.
Like you said, read the docs.
I would add that you should start by trying to do as much as you can from CLI. There's some things, on some/most distros, that just can't be done through the GUI.

The faster you get comfortable with the CLI the easier your transition will be.
That said, the distros coming out now are a load more noob friendly than when I started fiddling with Linux, and the number of things you 100% need to do through CLI has shrunk significantly.

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