Which proprietary software do you prefer over their open-source alternatives, and why?

mayflower@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 428 points –

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Darktable is pretty much a Lightroom replica in terms of the workflow. Its main issue is that Darktable reacts to slider changes in an unpredictable way. Small value differences lead to overblown changes to the image. Fine tuning the result is near impossible.

How does Rawtherapee compare to that? Many people seem to prefer it over Darktable

I tried it once a very long time ago. It was super slow and buggy. It's easier to get used to Darktable quirks.

Does it have a good panorama sticker or HDR merger? Those are the tools I absolutely need from Lightroom

Not sure, never used these features.

Ah, might be! It's been 10+ years since I tried it. Back then I found it very hard to navigate