The US just invested more than $1 billion into carbon removal / The move represents a big step in the effort to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere—and slow down climate change.

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 251 points –

The US just invested more than $1 billion into carbon removal / The move represents a big step in the effort to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere—and slow down climate change.::undefined


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Carbon capture is a fucking scam, always has been.

This just funnels more money into big oil.

  1. Let big oil pollute the everloving fuck of the planet.
  2. Tax the peasants to fund carbon capture theatre.
  3. Tear gas the protestors so they die quietly in their own homes.
  4. Profit???

Direct carbon capture is a scam. Alternatives like biochar, enhanced basalt weathering, and reforesting are definitely not.

The article says it's direct air capture. So everything I said about this being a scam is true.

You made a generalized statement about carbon capture, which is unfortunately absolutely a necessary step we need to take.

I recall the biggest direct air capture facility ever made in like, Norway?, only being able to capture about a few seconds worth of our yearly carbon output lol