Matrix clients for decentralized messaging to – 131 points –

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Yes, but you can use the federated app and bridge whatsapp into it. It's a good solution :)

How does this work? And can you please expain it in terms an idiot, like myself, would understand?

Basically the bridge listens for new posts on both services and copies them as needed. Think of it like a bot on Reddit or lemmy that automatically posts stuff on behalf of someone else.

Does that make sense?

That makes sense, thank you!

How do you install a bridge on Android? Using the bridge, could you theoretically link a WhatsApp account from a different phone?

You'd install it on the server, so it would need your WhatsApp credentials and whatnot, at least that's how other bridges work.

Ah, okay. I think I understand now. So, I would have to host a server to do that then I assume?

Thank you!

If you want to be in control of the server and bridges yourself, yes - you'd have to do that.

If not, you can just use a service like beeper

I kinda do this, but only thanks to Beeper. Not sure I would be able to do it by myself lol.

I've been hearing about this "bridging" thing. Is it possible to bridge into an IRC network that hasn't been bridged yet? My options seem to be "OFTC, Snoonet, W3C" but I want to bridge to another network, and I don't know if I even can or if I have to be a server admin or something.

Yes, it's possible but you either have to host your own server, have to be on a server where the IRC bridge is installed and can be used by anyone or use a service like Beeper that takes care of it for you.