Russia starts blocking VPN at the protocol (WireGuard, OpenVPN) level to – 1068 points –

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What country is Turkey invading and destroying right now?

Who is Turkey threatening with nukes?

What country is Saudi Arabia destroying right now?

What country is Saudi Arabia threatening with nukes?

Lots of counties are doing lots of bad things. Russia is objectively the worst of all, by far.

What country is Turkey invading and destroying right now?

Syria, Artsakh, Cyprus.

Who is Turkey threatening with nukes?

It doesn't have nukes, but it's threatening its every neighbor, especially Greece and Armenia.

What country is Saudi Arabia destroying right now?


What country is Saudi Arabia threatening with nukes?

It doesn't have nukes, but it was threatening Iran all the time until their recent rapprochement.

Other than these, one is a fascist genocidal horde and another a medieval kingdom with beheadings and sharia law, both allied to NATO, though. Russia is just a very big mafia state in comparison.

Russia is objectively the worst of all, by far.

Why are you repeating something you can't support with facts?

Maybe you think Ukraine has more value than Syria or Yemen or Artsakh due to it being "European"? For me a human life is a human life, but if we differentiate them, then civilization-wise compared to people of these countries Ukrainians (and Russians) are almost savages.

The Russia-Ukraina death toll passed 350,000 early this year.

What is the death toll of Turkey's conflict?

Don't be a hypocrite, follow your own rules and back yourself up with facts and statistics as why why Turkey is worse than Russia.

It's not about numbers. For example, I don't think that if n+1 lives of your compatriots can be saved by sacrificing n of mine (or n/10 of mine), then it's better than vice versa.

Other than that, more than 2.5 mln of Armenian, Greek, Assyrian and Yazidi lives are not yet avenged since the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century, and their lands not returned to the rightful owners. You are mistaken if you think there's an expiration date, and that Turkey's allies (as in any NATO country) are immune from this responsibility.

Don’t be a hypocrite, follow your own rules and back yourself up with facts and statistics as why why Turkey is worse than Russia.

I don't think refusing to do this would make me a hypocrite, there's nothing except your words to support that idea.

However I think I just did.

What you're saying is that you think Russia isn't evil because Ukrainian lives are worth less than other lives. You excuse Russia from large-scale murder, and large scale nuclear threat.

It's pretty clear what your agenda is. You're pro-Russia terrorism.

I mean, there's no single statement in your comment which wouldn't be a lie.

Except for this:

You excuse Russia ... and large scale nuclear threat

In this case your lie is a bit less direct and obvious. I don't excuse any existing threat. I'm saying there's no such threat.

Go fuck yourself.

The nukes are real and the nuclear threat is real.

You the the liar. You're gaslighting that there are no nukes because you're pro Russia terrorism.

In my opinion it's you who's trying to divert this conversation from a genocidal terrorist NATO member Turkey and its by extension genocidal terrorist NATO allies to a paper tiger which is Russia.

I suggest you get busy with fixing your shit in your genocidal terrorist country and don't bother humans like me until you are good enough to be called such.

The original post was literally about Russia.

Way to tell on yourself or trying to divert a post that is originally about Russia and try to make it about Turkey.

paper tiger which is Russia

Yeah Russia might be weak, and stupid, but like an animal that backs itself into a corner there's a good chance Russia decides it has nothing to lose so it'll take down the rest of the world with it.

I've answered a moron who said that Russia is a terrorist state by providing examples of NATO-allied states which are more terrorist than Russia.

This can be interpreted two ways - that I want those states to be treated as such, just like Russia, or that I want Russia to be excused, just like them.

Naturally I meant the former, it's obvious from the focus I've made.

Basically I'm saying that if you are fine with Turkey being your ally, then there's nothing particularly terrorist about Russia.

His statement would mean nothing without context, and with context it's hypocritical.

like an animal that backs itself into a corner there’s a good chance Russia decides it has nothing to lose so it’ll take down the rest of the world with it.

You are not in a Hollywood movie. "Russia decides" would mean that there's some singular will making decisions. Usually this is not the case, and as we've recently seen with Wagner circus, definitely not here.

And no, there's no "good chance", why such phrasing even? In a Hollywood movie any person saying such things is supposed to have knowledge and expertise for us to assume they know their shit.

Also with what exactly would it "take down the rest of the world"? Read something about Russian strategic forces commanders since independence, and also administrative and financial state of those strategic forces through most of the last 30 years.

I'd expect there are operational nukes to say a firm goodbye to area the size of Poland, but there are also THAAD deployments in Europe, I think, which are supposedly capable of shooting down these.

Back to people knowing their shit - it doesn't seem that any of Western political or military leaders are seriously afraid of an apocalyptic nuclear exchange. Think about that.