Music labels sue nonprofit Internet Archive for copyright infringement over digitized 78s of Frank Sinatra and other artists

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Music labels sue nonprofit Internet Archive for copyright infringement over digitized 78s of Frank Sinatra and other artists

Music labels sue nonprofit Internet Archive for copyright infringement over digitized 78s of Frank Sinatra and other artists::The labels take issue with the nonprofit posting digitized copies, which it solicits from users, of records in the antiquated 78 LP format.


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Gee, if only this stuff was in the public domain.

"But the author hasn't been dead for a hundred years yet!!"

It's so stupid. I understand people need to make money from their creations but 10 should be more than enough (or something like that).

It really is. Most studies estimate two to three years before the hype begins to die down. But 10 years does seem more reasonable, especially for trilogies or series.