Minimal Wayland Software? to – 126 points –

Will be doing a fresh install on an old laptop in the near future and was considering trying wayland.

Can you recommend a decent & light window manager & terminal emulator?

I've played around with wayland but always ended up back on xorg, was gonna give it another shot.


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Sway and foot work pretty decently. Might want to check them out.

  • imv as an image viewer
  • emacs has wayland support
  • zathura for pdf viewing

Check Awesome Wayland for more.

In case you're already using emacs I wouldn't bother with a separate pdf viewer - pdf-tools for emacs is imo the best PDF viewer nowadays available on linux.

Well, I gotta leave something for those who choose to reside with the beast: Neovim

imv looks good, thanks for the link

I'm a bit confused, I left Reddit to escape emacs users....should I be on kbin instead?

In case you want eye candy (or how I call it: the Wayland compositor doing compositing) you can also check out swayfx. Personally, I use it with kitty and waybar.