5 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

No but I fucking hate geforce experience and the fact that I need to have an Nvidia account to use the features of my hardware. Now I can remove that garbage app from my pc, thanks Valve.

Todd, I didn't know you were a Lemmy user.

Yesterday I saw a meme on reddit about browsers and I did not see even one person mentioning this WEI shit. Everyone was praising Chrome. We are truly fucked.

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Yeah I can't play rainbow 6 siege since I switched to Linux but I'm staying strong. Fuck ubisoft. And fuck my friends for trying to make me go back to windoz.

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Changed the image link, thanks.

Might be the client. I use eternity and it looks OK on my phone.

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Sway and foot work pretty decently. Might want to check them out.

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Publishers at the slightest inconvenience: We are getting review bombed.

They fast as fuck. Another W for the pirates.

It's essentially running a linux container on top of your own system. Which means you can use the toolkit of those distros ( for example the package manager of that system) to install apps from their repos, even gui apps. But those containers also has access to your original filesystem so be careful how you use them. Might want to watch Brodie's video on it.

Land of the free baby.

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Would I be contributing if I was using a mobile app like eternity or voyager?

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I'm sorry you had to go through that.

My condolences.

No more.

Paying for the product isn't enough for them, you are still the product.

Man there is a night and day difference between the comments here and on phoronix, what is their problem?

Next you want to rewrite everything in Rust.

Love to see more cool rices here on lemmy,

What's a chess?

If you really want the latest updates and technologies, you could use openSUSE or plain Arch. I heard Manjaro intentionally delays updates and I think in a rolling release cycle that would hurt the system. No idea about the size of repos on openSUSE but the other features are already there. Also if you think you can spend some more time to learn new things(nix programming language and more) I can recommend you to try NixOS or at least install the package manager( also called nix) on your current system. It is THE distro for reproducible builds. It has a huge repo too, rivaling AUR.

I use Arch btw.

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I mean they made the app using a fucking game engine. Who knows what stupid idea they will come up with next.

I thought that was a forbidden card, eh whatever.

I don't know man, I'm here because shit just works.

They also killed Atom text editor in favor of VSCode.

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As a white cis male I don't think I have the right priviliges, lemme try and elevate to root using sudo. See if that works.

Since spotify was increasing the price AGAIN, I was willing to give Apple music a chance. Guess what, many of the soundtracks I listen to are not available in my country. Like why would you block it I already pay for the thing just let me listen to it. But I guess they just know better. And now I'm gonna selfhost my music just like I selfhost movies and tv shows.

Yeah I was trying to do something like reading the first line by getting an iterator and just looping through the other lines normally, since first line was kind of a special case but it got messy quick. I realized halfway that my collects were redundant but couldn't really simplify it. Thanks

I recommend vesktop, it's an open source discord client that pretty much fixed all the discord problems that I had on wayland. No need for nitro to stream high resolution, and it's even compatible with betterdiscord themes 🤌.

This one I use on my pc, it's from Fallout New Vegas.

I use this one on my phone, it's a mix up of adventure time and bloodborne. I found them both on reddit some time ago, but don't know the exact subreddits.

Nope, pretty much everyone hates it. The game was supposed to be a dlc for valhalla but they stretched it to a full game. Classic greedy corporate bullshit.

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Why yes, yes I am. Hope Crazy Dave has cooked something good.

I mean the same thing can be said about the USA, also if there are that many problems why don't you just check the code, it's one of the main strengths of open source software.

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Still waiting for Fallout 4 New Vegas.

I started clearing games on my library and been playing hollow knight for the last 2 weeks. I am ashamed I didn't start playing this game earlier. Game's story hits hard.

Can I get the dots kind sir?

Nice read, thanks for the insight.

I'll just buy a giant monitor then, it's better anyway.

Brodie had a video on it, might want to check it out.

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Pretty much the same setup with KDE wayland, steam games and some games I play through lutris (which are mostly proton enabled) all run well on Nvidia GPU.