New Covid vaccines are on the way as 'Eris' variant rises

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New Covid vaccines are on the way as 'Eris' variant rises

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Am I the only one who started to lose faith in humanity in the covid era?

"Covid doesn't exist, it's crested by the government" "mRNA makes us become reptiles" "Vaccines are poison, I did my own research and I found out I can inject in my veins the safer ammonia"

I can't

At least it made those zombie movies look downright optimistic in comparison

And pair that with the government saying it's mostly killing old people and those with health issues then just declaring it over. I wasn't expecting lockdown forever, but just like keeping it as an ongoing health concern. Instead they've been wiping their site of tracking, dropping funding, and abandoning workers to just hope their employer isn't going to get them sick. COVID being over is good politically and good for business, so COVID is over.