but on the other hand, this is completely unnecessary.
Everyone should have the freedom to be the architect of their own fortune or misfortune.
I don't pretend to know why they do it, but as long as everyone is doing it willingly and know the risk, I don't have a problem with it.
And that freedom is only possible if they would otherwise be financially stable and have good options for work.
We don't know why this porter did what he did. Was because he loved pushing rich foreigners up a mountain? Or was it because he needed the money and had the skill?
They why do politicians get to decide this for billions.
Everyone should have the freedom to be the architect of their own fortune or misfortune.
I don't pretend to know why they do it, but as long as everyone is doing it willingly and know the risk, I don't have a problem with it.
And that freedom is only possible if they would otherwise be financially stable and have good options for work.
We don't know why this porter did what he did. Was because he loved pushing rich foreigners up a mountain? Or was it because he needed the money and had the skill?
They why do politicians get to decide this for billions.