People who were fired on their first day at work/saw somebody get fired their first day at work: What happened that led to the firing? to – 342 points –

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We had this once with a guy working remotely who decided to move to Poland without telling anyone, which was not allowed in the terms of his contract nor did he have a visa to live in Poland. Only person I've ever heard of getting deported from Poland to the UK

Did you ever find out why he suddenly moved to Poland? Was it cheaper?

Definitely cheaper, I don't know if that was the reason though, he was a weird dude

I have a friend who was deported from India back to the US.

And I almost got deported from Canada and China back to the US.

This is becoming quite a thing here in Vietnam. We are starting to get quite a few undocumented migrant workers from the USA. It's slowly becoming problematic. I expect my compliance paperwork to increase in cost and complexity if the trend continues.

Also I see them die on the roads sometimes, maybe one per year. That's not an outcome I'd wish on them, but it's not surprising either.

Why are they dying on the roads?

Probably either stray meteorites or cars.

Makes sense. I don't know why, but I somehow read the original comment to mean that Americans were randomly dead on the side of the road, sans car. Lol

I read this as, "Probably either meteorites or stray cats."

Seems legit, moving along.

Driving a motorcycle unsafely in mixed traffic without a license, registration, insurance, experience, or the ability to read the road signs. Saw two doing unsafe stuff on my way to work today. Not sure specifically where they are from, I didn't stop to ask. I can infer non-compliance from the license plate types with decent accuracy though. Generally plates that say NN (foreign resident), NG (foreign organization), or LD (local enterprise) are compliant and others are not. There are a couple of exceptions beyond that, but they are quite rare.

One nearly got hit by a bus as they cut across the road at an intersection. The other was just being pushy but didn't outright do anything that would get them killed -- not really out of the ordinary, just 'somewhat unsafe'.