An Instacart customer said she discovered the app's higher prices cost her nearly $100 after accidentally seeing the store's paper receipt

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 250 points –
An Instacart customer said she discovered the app's higher prices cost her nearly $100 after accidentally seeing the store's paper receipt

An Instacart customer said she discovered the app's higher prices cost her nearly $100 after accidentally seeing the store's paper receipt::undefined


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If this is expected and everything is peachy, then why does Instacart say to not give the receipt to the customer? You don't see this as something to hide?

Because, even though you know it's happening, you'll be shocked by how much.

I didn't say it was expected or peachy...just that it was known.

I think it's perfectly acceptable to dislike the practice, and even acceptable to be vocal about how shitty it is. I was just pointing out how weird it is to be surprised about it - because I thought everyone already knew what they were doing.