Twitter/X new ID Verification - First Look to – 1330 points –

Thanks to Popcrave

Who here is going to put their ID and photo on X/Twitter


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Over/under before data breach and this all gets leaked?

Considering all the past, current, and future disgruntled employees - I wouldn't be shocked at all by an insider leaking stuff like this. The company is unstable like its leadership - which isn't very trust-inspiring.

Well, that's a possibility too, but I was expecting that they just lose the data through over-work or negligence. Remember, this is the company that DDOS'd itself a month or two ago and had to be told about it on twitter...

Following the theory that the leadership at twitter actually hate the users and are decimating the platform on purpose for the lols, maybe the outcome you suggest is the plan.

Part of me believes this theory, because it's hard to imagine how someone even with the explicit stated purpose of destroying twitter could have topped the recent developments. It's almost as if what they're trying to do is embarrass and degrade the users.