They probably want to show off

Possibly to – 308 points –

TL;DR the Internet Archive is under a ddos attack


This is second meme in a row I’ve seen about these ddos attacks and I realized my news comes from memes :(

Yeah, but who else ya gonna trust?

The Onion; those MFs are from the future. Satire is just the cover.

Even google's ai overview agrees its the truth there!

Your news comes from me now. Please do not resist.

Wow this amazing news. Surely it will have no consequences

It's not as stupid as it seems, pouring clean water over your eyes can help. Normally you'd do it after swimming in ocean/sea... But I don't know what they add to swimming pools.

Swimming pools use hypochlorous acid. It's often referred to as "chlorine" in colloquial usage, because well, that's the most important ingredient.