Are there any visual voicemail apps for Android that don't require Google Play Services? #LineageOS to Free and Open Source – 32 points –

Those who are using Android ROMs without Google play services installed: Do you know any visual voicemail apps that work without Google Play Services? I tried the app 'My Visual Voicemail' but it wouldn't work. Though it seems to see all my voicemails when I open the app, a popup comes up saying the app requires Google Play Services and refuses to play the voicemails. I was also going to try 'Boost Visual Voicemail' (my carrier), but I wasn't able to find the .apk file through the usual channels (, I didn't see anything relevant in F-Droid either.



Install microG4Lineage. This is a ROM that is simply LineageOS with microG already installed for you. It mimics Google Play Services. My experience is that it just works.

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What do you mean with "visual" voicemail?
Just an app to listen and manage voicemail you received?

I use the lineage dialer for that. Works with my voicemail.

Yes. I can hold the 1 key down, and it will give me a voice menu to listen to my messages, but I get no notification when there is a new message. I previously had an iPhone, and in that dialer there was a voicemail tab that showed my inbox and you could listen to/delete the messages from there (and I got a notification when there was a new message).

There are some Play Store apps that have this function, but I have yet to find one that works without Google Play Services installed

Like said, you'd need Google Play Services to get notifications or use an alternative implementation with microG.
You can also search on F-Droid for apps that either use a persistent notification or support UnifiedPush

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Just an update in case anyone is facing similar issues;

I installed MicroG on my vanilla LineageOS ROM using the F-Droid repo on their web page. I tried downloading the 'My Visual Voicemail' app again, and it now partially works, but at least it's usable now. I still get a popup when I open the app that says Google Play Services is required, but I can now at least close the dialog to view, play and delete messages. Before it wouldn't let me close the dialog. Not sure if notifications are working as I havn't got a new voicemail yet, but it's at least usable for my purposes