The Baldness

62 Post – 299 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This sucks big time. Many users of custom mobile phone ROMs are concerned with privacy, and use Mozilla Location Services as an alternative to Google. Not sure what other options are available right now.

Edit: The more I'm reading about this, the more absolutely fucked up it is. There really are no viable alternatives. Mozilla is going to just take all its collected data offline, and that's that. Given that they accept monetary donations from the public, they should make the information public for download even if they don't want to host the service anymore. Unbelievable.

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What an absolute shitshow this is going to be. If I want a digital assistant, I'll get one. Keeping concerns separate is what has always worked. This reads like Elon wanting X to be the "everything app". That ship has already sailed. The web is the everything app. Back when the web was new, you had AOL and Yahoo wanting to be the "gateway" to everything. How did that work out? My gateway to everything is my bookmarks folder. I don't want AI in anything I use locally unless I explicitly enable it and ask for assistance. IMHO, this is the reason so many digital assistants have failed (especially Microsoft's); because they tried to anticipate your needs rather than STFU and stay out of the way.

I'm old.


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This sounds like there's a market for a Linux distro that behaves like ChromeOS and can be centrally managed.

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The funds aren't sitting there doing nothing. They're available in case Beehaw ever needs them. I didn't donate to a non-descript charity. I donated to Beehaw with the understanding that those funds would be used to stabilize the organization, whether it changes from Lemmy to some other platform, or whether it experiences another sudden quadrupling of membership overnight. That's what the money is for. If you put it in some kind of HYSA, it could be growing at 5% per month. Why shoot yourselves in the foot by giving it away?

I'm so sick of this discussion. Your opinions and feelings don't matter. The reality is you have a binary choice. Do you want A or do you want B? That's the reality.

Regarding Gaza, do you want A) the current genocide, or B) a much bigger one? If you vote for a third party, you're tipping the result towards B, because you were never voting for B in the first place.

Instead of voting for A, perhaps you could think of it as voting against B? Because those are the only two possible outcomes. Pick one.

I honestly think people left of center have lost their minds with this stuff.

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an X-cretion.

I'd take it a step further and say that all programs should be completely self-contained in one folder.

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Lots of disabled people think in different way - not I can’t do it, but how can I do it or what to do different to came to same goal.

That's what I'm looking for right there. Thanks.

Didn't read the article, but I'm going to guess at two things. First, it's in a realtor's best interest for people to buy & sell houses frequently. Second, if this guy has any sense at all, he's unloading his property before homeowners insurance becomes unavailable in Florida and mortgage rates go to the moon.

I don't know that crepes are the right venue for peanut butter, especially if it's natural peanut butter, which is gritty and not sweet. While it's true that store-bought peanut butter in the US has too much added sugar, that really shouldn't matter. Ground up peanuts are filling, energy-dense and delicious. Why do non-Americans dislike it so much?

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While some foods are clearly more healthy and protective than others, people's bodies are so different that comparing individual experience is almost pointless. Some of the other comments here mention abstaining from X and having a great experience. There are just as many arguments to be made to the contrary. Also, human metabolism changes with age, so the habits that have sustained your health for the past decade may not continue to work in the future.

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I'm using Firefox w uBlock turned off for YouTube. It's almost unusable for me. They're not just degrading the experience of ad-blocking users. They're also sabotaging users of non-Chrome web browsers.

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I have a fantasy where I'm a powerful executive at Volkswagen. I'm in a meeting where this idea is presented. I ask who thought of it. Someone raises their hand. I smile broadly. I ask who else thinks it's a good idea. Others raise their hands. I call security and have all those people escorted out of the building. Those of us who remain set about manufacturing small, efficient & affordable electric vehicles with manual windows & door locks, and a not a single touchscreen anywhere. The End

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They should give MLS to the Mozilla Foundation in that case.

And when support ends, if there is any sort of lock on the firmware, it must be removed so the aftermarket can service the device. They should do cars next.

I needed some cheap gym clothes. Went to three places. Wound up buying cheap shit from Walmart, which I never do, and by the time I got home I was so fucking shot, I didn't even go to the gym. Straight to bed. I hate shopping.

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I'm absolutely with you. Having run face-first into MongoDB more than once, I finally learned not to trust the hype around these things.

US labor can't really compete with the low cost of Chinese labor. On the other hand, it's not like US automakers are making small affordable EVs, even though there is a demand for them. Imported Chinese EVs fill that niche and also contain things like strategic metals, rare earth magnets, and lithium battery tech. All of that is recyclable, and they want to sell it to America for super cheap prices. If we were smart, when these cars are done being cars, we'll reuse and recycle these materials right here in the USA. That could be a growth industry unto itself.

Supposedly a Cisco software update went wrong and took everything down for a while. That's the rumor.

I'm curious what use case your trying to solve. What's wrong with Electron? Too slow?

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I prefer HDMI because it's simple and it just works. When I plugged my current monitor in via DisplayPort, if the PC was sleeping, the monitor would wake up every two minutes or so, look for a signal, then go back to sleep. Very annoying. I figured this was some poor implementation in the drivers (linux). Regardless, when I got rid of the DP cable and connected via an HDMI cable, everything worked fine. I'm not a gamer, btw.

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And with all that telemetry and AI, the floating taskbar thinks you look nice too. Click here to buy Tay Sway concert tickets!

And Spotify paid them a grand total of one dollar.

I don't understand how any city ever wants to host these sorts of events. It seems like the only people who make money are the organizers and consultants. With a long history, and the speed at which information flows, I don't think it's possible for bureaucrats to get the wool pulled over their eyes this often, so I'm going to assume bribery and corruption are to blame.

And this is why I had so much trouble learning JavaScript. It was unclear where the language ended and the libraries & frameworks began.

I look at it from an energy standpoint. If there's an Amazon truck driving down my block every day, sometimes twice, and I need a thing, may as well put that thing on the truck. The alternative is me driving around, which is wasteful.

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I'm not subscribing to anything. If I buy something, it's fully functional, and it's mine. There is no ongoing relationship between me and the manufacturer. Done.

Unless it's boiled before they bake it, it's not a fucking bagel, it's doughnut-shaped bread. Bagels also do not contain blueberries, and any suggestion to the contrary should be met with a swift ass whooping.

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Just search for indie web. It's an idea, a movement, etc. If you want to find things off the beaten path, this is an interesting search engine.

Each second is one year on your spaceship. Look in the lower right corner.

Probably. And that's why I hesitate to use it.

OTOH, this will create a massive "in" group, and a much smaller "out" group. It almost formalizes the Indie Web, which would take us back to the early 90's, but with better bandwidth. I'd be into that.

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Not really streaming, but I find Bandcamp has a lot of good stuff, and if you're willing to self-curate, they're a good way to find music.

Oh that. I heard the project leader died of a perfectly curable form of cancer because he was going to heal himself with food or something. Crazy story, but the OS works well.

I used to drink Soylent. Love that stuff, but for the price, I can just eat real food.

If I want to watch a version of the original star wars trilogy without a bunch of wibbly wobbly CGI bullshit, do you know how hard that is?

This. A thousand times.

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It's an AAVA Mobile INARI10-WLAN-1 QC Intel Atom Z3795, 4GB RAM, 128GB SSD They're on eBay right now for about $50. No OS.

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I don't like children and experience profound injury when they don't shut the fuck up. Do I have standing in this case?

They subcontract it out to a third party, who's name I'm forgetting, that doesn't have a great reputation.

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