Mozilla Drops Axe on its Privacy-Friendly Location Service to – 154 points –
Mozilla Drops Axe on its Privacy-Friendly Location Service - OMG! Ubuntu

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This sucks big time. Many users of custom mobile phone ROMs are concerned with privacy, and use Mozilla Location Services as an alternative to Google. Not sure what other options are available right now.

Edit: The more I'm reading about this, the more absolutely fucked up it is. There really are no viable alternatives. Mozilla is going to just take all its collected data offline, and that's that. Given that they accept monetary donations from the public, they should make the information public for download even if they don't want to host the service anymore. Unbelievable.

The Mozilla Corporation does not accept monetary donations, those go to the nonprofit Mozilla Foundation. This is a common misunderstanding.

Mozilla Location Services is currently run by the Corporation. I imagine making that dataset public could have privacy implications, since it is likely relying on wifi locations.

They should give MLS to the Mozilla Foundation in that case.

That wouldn't solve the patent trolls issues, only getting out of the United Corporate States would.

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