Xbox executives just cannot give a straight answer to questions about Tango Gameworks to – 34 points –
Xbox executives just cannot give a straight answer to questions about Tango Gameworks

Left unsaid: the developers were starting to ask for more money and creative freedom than MS was willing to give, and had to be taught a lesson.

Also the market demands sacrifices.

If that were true, ‘No’ is also an answer. Total Annihilation does not seem like the only option and certainly not an option to use as a lesson. Can’t teach a dead pupil.

Left unsaid: the developers were starting to ask for more money and creative freedom than MS was willing to give, and had to be taught a lesson.

is there any evidence of this? It would give MS an excuse, which makes me wonder

I’ve pretty much abandoned Xbox over this issue, and I’ve been an apologist for them for a lot of things.