[Userscript] Add hearts to users from your homeserver/other designated servers (Frend Detector) v1.4

Yote.zip@pawb.social to Lemmy Plugins & Userscripts@sh.itjust.works – 1 points –

This userscript adds a red heart next to people that are from your home server, and any other servers that you manually define. Spot your server buddies out in the wild!

Fair warning: Lemmy's html structure doesn't seem conducive to filtering what links are what, so if anyone more experienced has any tips on improvements to the detection methods, let me know!


  1. Change the 'homeServer' variable at the top to your home server (no "https://" etc)
  2. If you want to designate other servers to put hearts next to, add their names into the 'frendServers' variable at the top (Remove the '//' symbols inside the variable's brackets in order for the servers to actually be considered

Script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/468689-frend-detector-lemmy

Edit: Alternatively, redyoshi49q@furry.engineer wrote a CSS solution that works as long as you're not navigating a foreign instance (on a different URL than your home server). If you find yourself on other instances for some reason, use my script, otherwise the CSS version should be better.


/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Frend Detector (CSS)
@namespace      redyoshi49q/frendDetector
@version        1.0.0
@description    Puts a heart next to frends from your homeserver and any manually-defined frend servers
@author         @redyoshi49q@furry.engineer
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("pawb.social") { /* change to your home server here */
    /* frend server user highlighting */
    a.text-info[href*="/u/"][href$="@pawb.fun"] span::before,
    a.text-info[href*="/u/"][href$="@furry.engineer"] span::before {
        content: "❤ ";
        color: red !important;

    /* home server user highlighting */
    a.text-info[href*="/u/"]:not([href*="@"]) span::before {
        content: "❤ ";
        color: red !important;
        /* uncomment to make home server users have a yellow star instead */
        /* content: "★ ";
        color: yellow !important; */

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