
58 Post – 425 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Every community I care about is dead

I feel piracy for demo purposes is fully justified if you buy it after you like it. People always say vote with your wallet but it's more like gambling with your wallet if you don't get to see and touch the product before you make the purchase. Giving proper demos should be more common with digital media.

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Not to be disrespectful but you can skip to 5:32 if you don't need to justify piracy to yourself.

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"Project Silica’s goal is to write data in a piece of glass and store it on a shelf until it is needed. Once written, the data inside the glass is impossible to change."

Very important note here.

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It's possible. I think the biggest obstacle is that the corporations feeding on people's data are not going to just stand by while it happens.

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A shortlist:

  • it has the best lossy image compression (not counting extremely low bitrate images, where AVIF starts to win)
  • it can losslessly recompress JPEGs for a free 20% space savings - no image quality loss
  • it supports parallel decoding for extra speed
  • it supports progressive decoding (viewing a lower quality version of the image while it loads), unlike WebP/AVIF which just "pop up" when you've downloaded the whole thing
  • it supports lossless
  • it compresses lossless extremely well (notably unlike AVIF and PNG which fall on their face with lossless compression)
  • it supports animation (though AVIF is generally a better format for animation, because it's based on a proper video codec)
  • it supports HDR
  • it has a very strong resilience against generation loss (the classic "JPEG degradation" of resaving images)
  • it is royalty-free
  • it otherwise has roughly every image format feature we've ever thought of included in its spec

If JXL is not the next image format then we will never ever get rid of JPEG and PNG. There has never been a more obviously superior image format in history.

::: spoiler This might help: Image format comparison table

Comparison table showing various image formats and their attributes :::

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Now I can finally download a game 100000x to bankrupt a game company, just like they always said we could.

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Maintaining existing CSS is hard. Luckily, usurping all of social media as an "everything app" will be trivial by comparison.

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Break the beef into smaller pieces first so the germs can't find it.

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To be fair, anyone who actually cares is not on reddit anymore, so you're seeing the worst of the worst takes.

A lot of people on r/piracy are pirates by convenience, not by ethics. The sub being shut down is not convenient for them. It's really sad to see how many people have the attention span of a goldfish, and can't think beyond "this isn't convenient for me today."

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This is a rare and extreme case, which is probably caused by some sort of fluke in the testing method or due to a bug in the game that Linux is handling better. Usually gaming on Linux is like ~5-10% slower for GPU-bound games.

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I'll get 2% cashback.

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Emphasis on #4 here - the anti-adblock will trigger if it detects any subpar adblocker, including e.g. Brave Browser's "Shields" thing (even if you also use uBlock Origin). Helped a friend figure this out lately and found out they were running 3 adblockers and Brave Browser. Some people are truly special.

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  1. Don't leave that much money alone with PayPal, they have been known to close accounts for random reasons
  2. Great job on the lesbian furry drawing scheme to anon
  3. Don't keep that much money in cash. Most of that money should be invested and working for you in the market instead of deteriorating in an account that doesn't even pay interest
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You can either promote JPEG-XL or say yiff for the rest of your life. The choice is yours.

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Laser printers are great also if you just need black.

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In theory upvotes are counted from every server. In practice, there's been some small synchronization issues in the past where servers fail to send upvotes sometimes. It should be better now.

To add on here, you can use the Are We Anti-Cheat Yet? site to track which games are not working due to anti-cheat. In my experience it's extremely rare for "Linux" (aka Wine/DXVK/VKD3D/et al) to not support arbitrary games. If a game is not working on Linux it's almost certainly because of an anti-cheat or some bloated/obscure DRM telling Linux "no you cannot run this".

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In this world it's pet or be petted.

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I'm not really in the loop on this but can someone ELI5 why Alex Jones is the only one that's being forced to pay money for the shit that comes out of his mouth? It seems like everyone else is doing whatever they want with no repercussions.

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talk to the little gay people in my computer

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I've noticed this everywhere on Lemmy - I don't think this is a Beehaw exclusive. My guess is that as Lemmy grows, more and more people are lurking and reading every post/comment you make. Most people will pass by without a debate, but if 1000 people read your post all it takes is one person to decide they want to start an argument.

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There's no way $3k/month is an accurate number to run a single community. Lemmy.world (and mastodon.world etc) combined takes ~1k/month to run, and they're far larger and more active.

Also, anyone who goes back to Reddit doesn't belong with the 196 community. No bootlickers allowed.

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Owning horses makes you live longer too. Or maybe it's that only rich people own horses? Does putting the olive oil on the horses help at all? I'm down to try anything at this point.

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The lag is a result of server load, not ping. Lemmy.world is the largest lemmy server and it's groaning under the weight of the July 1st refugees.

It'll resolve itself as servers get upgraded or people spread out. You can try joining another smaller instance if you don't want to wait.

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It's installed on their PC. That's 98% of it. If Linux was pre-installed on everyone's PC we'd all be using Linux, and the normies would complain about how hard Windows is to use.

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This is a trend that I have recently started noticing. PAYDAY 3 came out with basically nothing included after PAYDAY 2 had literally 10 years of continuous content/80 DLCs pumped into it. As another example, The Sims always comes out with a new release that has every feature removed so they can sell you all the same DLC again and again.

In some cases this would appear to be a (corporate) success, but it seems it's actually been part of the downfall of recently-released PAYDAY 3. As of this moment in time, the rolling 24-hour peak of player count in PAYDAY 3 is 4,699. The rolling 24-hour peak of PAYDAY 2 is 37,399. Why would players who have a fully finished game with all DLC already available want to play your new barren game?

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I'll bet if you actually use it 24/7 they will throttle/disconnect you. "Oh I'm sorry you used up your 1TB limit. No one needs more than that per month! Are you doing something illegal???"

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I've blocked all the news communities for a start. Maybe I'll let one through eventually, but I'm sick of seeing 13 duplicate posts about how Elon Musk said that penguins can't be trans or something equally useless.

As for getting more toxic in general I haven't noticed anything drastic but my gut feeling is that as Lemmy grows, more people see a post, and as more people see a post, the better the odds that one person is going to start an argument. Even if 99.99% of the Lemmy community is not toxic, it only takes one person to reply.

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Common religious squabble L for everyone.

This whole story is full of hilarious bits, and there's far too many good quotes for me to post them all, but from another angle it's just sad that these people are so far gone from reality that they can be taken advantage of like this. You really think Walmart is going to give you a 10000% guaranteed ROI after a year of holding some funny money? That doesn't set off any alarm bells? Why would Trump give you 100x your money before he's even re-elected in 2024? What could he have done to bring about such economic inflation prosperity in a single year?

Transparent compression, snapshots, copy-on-write, deduplication, and data checksumming (and healing via read or scrub) are the main things you might notice as an end-user. BTRFS is mostly on par or slightly slower than other simpler filesystems for speed (can be faster on HDDs due to compression), so if you're using it you probably want to be taking advantage of the features it offers, not because it's going to be faster.


Gender-neutral title. Most commonly I think it's like "Mix".

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Try ncdu as well. No instructions needed, just run ncdu /path/to/your/directory.

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I need to be stabbed by the OWO suit

Now, Vary has filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which could prompt a legal challenge of the “Don’t Say Gay” law’s expansion.

Does this have any chance of doing anything? I'm very surprised at their boldness to document exactly why they were firing them - do they think they can withstand the legal challenge or are they just stupid? (it's always hard to guess with homophobes)

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Everyone fully missing the point here. This is the banner image for !linux@programming.dev (that's not where we are right now for the record), and it has a normal JPEG size of 7.7MB. When it's served as WebP it's 3.8MB. OP is correct that this is very stupid and wasteful for a web content image. It's a triple-monitor 1440p wallpaper that's used verbatim, and it should instead be compressed down to be bandwidth-friendly. I was able to get it to 1.4MB at JPEG quality 80, and when swapping it out in dev tools and performing A/B testing I can't tell the difference. This should be brought to the attention of a mod on that community so it can stop sucking people's data for no reason.

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IMO just get whatever the cheapest one is of those big manufacturers. You should be running some sort of redundancy for your disks anyway, and disk failures are always a gamble no matter what you do to pre-emptively stop them. Personally I buy cheap refurbished drives and throw them into my RAID with the foregone conclusion that I might need to replace them sooner than a new drive, but I'm also saving so much money by buying refurbished that replacement cost will be cheap. Check ebay or ServerPartDeals if you subscribe to this line of thinking.

Edit: This would be sort of similar to "cattle not pets", where you strategize for failure instead of trying to prevent it from failing.

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Discord. Too many people and communities on it that won't use Matrix.

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Running FOSS is practical for the long term, even beyond moral judgments. Proprietary software starts strong with lots of funding, but it only gets worse and worse as it goes along. Open source starts slower but plays the long game. You can take a look at something like Windows itself for an example of the gradual infestation of ads and user-hostile features/tracking. It's never going to get better. The only hope for proprietary users is for a new proprietary app to be created and start off more user-friendly because they need to attract users. Once they have the users they'll restart the cycle again.

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I know people have mostly gotten over it at this point but it still irks me when I see an installer that's just "pipe this random script from the internet directly into an admin terminal". They should at least put a note like "hey this is potentially a dangerous action. you should ideally download this locally and inspect it first before you run it" even if most people aren't gonna do it.

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