Non-binary Florida teacher fired for using gender-neutral title to – 245 points –
Non-binary Florida teacher fired for using gender-neutral title

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Now, Vary has filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which could prompt a legal challenge of the “Don’t Say Gay” law’s expansion.

Does this have any chance of doing anything? I'm very surprised at their boldness to document exactly why they were firing them - do they think they can withstand the legal challenge or are they just stupid? (it's always hard to guess with homophobes)

Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts prohibits discrimination based on sex in matters of employment. They can dictate what teachers teach, but this should be a slam dunk under federal law.

The argument is going to be that it prohibits discrimination based on sex and not gender

And in the same breath they'll claim that sex and gender are the same "You are what is in your pants and only that!"

Theyre boundary testing like all sociopaths inevitably do.