Mozilla warns of AI, privacy violations, loss of consent, and eco-unfriendly tech fads to – 93 points –

Now that Google and Microsoft each consume more power than some fairly big countries, maybe it's time for 2024 Mozilla to take heed of 2021 Mozilla's warnings.


Mozilla really doesn't understand its users if they thought that making that "web advertising preferences" BS opt-out would go over well

Some new preferences in about:config seem to suggest 2021 Mozilla's warnings are being used. In the way they warned against.

  •             enable
  •             chat.prompts.0
  •             chat.prompts.1
  •             chat.prompts.2

Etc. (Default disabled... For now)


an optional opt-in sidebar feature that lets you chat with ai, i probably wont use it but its for the people that want it

If you look at the Mozilla community forums before they announced the AI feature, nobody was asking for it.

In fact, Reddit posts from earlier months leaned in the opposite direction, with people thankful that Mozilla had not injected unethical AI into Firefox.

This feature (that is again, opt-in) is not for you or me, or anyone who knows that mozilla connect exists, its for timmy, who is does not know anything about tech but likes using chatbots

Except there's already a slough of those browsers.

Every other corporation has implemented the same AI chatbot features, and made it look prettier. I thought Mozilla was supposed to be beyond that, better than following the herd.