REMNANT II Remnant 2 Sells 1 Million Copies in First Week to – 62 points –
Remnant 2 Sells 1 Million Copies in First Week - IGN

Good. It's an excellent game, and it's nice to see a sequel that builds on the first game and improves almost everything (armour now being mostly cosmetic and how your dodge work is a downgrade from the first game if you ask me).

I bought it and refunded it. The gameplay was good, but the performance for me was atrocious. Playing at 4k with DLSS on performance saw dips into the low 40s during some fights. Dropping all the settings down to the lowest didn’t help. I have a 3080 and 3800x. Runs worse than big open world games with ray tracing like cyberpunk. How they managed that is impressive.

I’m so fed up with damn near every game having awful performance at release these days.

The performance on the game is definitely not the best. 3080 should be more than enough, it seems like you may be CPU bound in this case. Especially with DLSS on.

I haven't had a chance to play it much, but I'm loving it so far.

It feels like slipping into a comfortable pair of shoes. I'm really glad it's basically the same game again without going too hard on "innovations" for the sake of novelty. They really struck gold with From the Ashes, and it's nice to see a sequel that clearly understands what was good and bad about the first game. They kept the good stuff, and there are minor QoL improvements to address the bad stuff. It's perfect.

I really enjoyed the first one, so this sounds very promising to me

It's really just a good fun game. I could stand to get some QoL in it eventually (loadouts), and I really dont feel good about RNG relic modifiers, but everything else is just stellar compared to first one that i already loved.