
18 Post – 494 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Tbh it's not black and white. I'm sure a big corporation can extract a ton of information on us but there's still a pretty big gap between having our real names and photos plastered everywhere on social media, or them just knowing where I live and that I spend a lot on steam games. Don't take the small victories for granted.

I've seen this article circulating and I think it's a really good cautionary tale. If meta arrives here in full force it's completely going to take over the fediverse, they are already splitting the community as it is.


Note that this is different subject from being anti-corporate. I don't think there's an issue if companies start booting their instances and creating communities for their games or content, whether its EA, Bioware, CDPR or something like pcgamer, LTT, gamersnexus, etc. They want the PR and visibility on a social network but their goal probably wouldn't be take over the AP, and could add some validity and get other bigger names to be active here. That is assuming we want growth at all.

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I was curious what lemmy.ml has to say about this but it seems the linked post was deleted in the meantime 🤡

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Seems like gaming piracy is really dying this time for sure. Most sites are compromised and untrustworthy, big teams are retiring, the one remaining denuvo cracker that i heard of is apparently psychotic... It doesn't seem like it bodes well

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Isn't it kinda the opposite? A fediverse is not multiple separate isolated villages, it's a bunch of villages all bundled up together in one place within walking distance.

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I wish you provided specific examples of this behavior because otherwise it just sounds like a doom and gloom post. I'm personally having lots of fun and while I've run into some people that obviously aren't here to build a community, generally I like the vibe and overall excitement in the air. If there really is a bunch of people trying to ruin it, I think it's in everyone's best interest to stop it before it gets out of control.

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Of course just blocking them is an option for the fediverse, but doing that blindly seems like a missed opportunity for both sides.
More freely available content would be great, wouldn’t it?

The issue is once you open these floodgates you're not going to be able to close them, at least not without alienating a vast majority of users on both sides. Furthermore, once meta gains the majority of users and content on its instances (and this is really more of a "when", not "if" situation), they can start making changes to AP and overall infrastructure and forcing other instances to either adapt to that, or get left behind one by one, similar to what google does regardless of W3C and other browsers have to adapt even though it goes against the agreed standard.

If meta gains a foothold in the fediverse and eventually start isolating the smaller instances, it's going to be the email situation all over again, we'll have just a few large trusted providers and the rest will be a seemingly unsafe niche that most people avoid. Giving them the benefit of the doubt is just foolish, meta will not let a few fediverse admins dictate their policy (even assuming they have the backbone to stand up to them, and considering the recent meeting/NDA/"shareholder" drama most of them definitely don't).

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If a glorified autocomplete algorithm can write more informative and concise commit messages than you, the actual author behind the code, I think you need to sit down and think long and hard what that actually implies.

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I disagree, with or without taking bugs into consideration. It was a great experience and if you liked the base game you'll probably like the expansion too, if you didn't like the base game then you won't.

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Looking at the world rn, I dont think things have a tendency to get better on their own. In a decade or two people won't even believe we lived in the wild west era of internet where you could just get stuff for free without a subscription, online connection or drm.

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Thankfully! Its not even indie, it's a good game but it shouldn't have been nominated for that category in the first place.

Definitely a day 1 purchase for me as well, no other game has the same amount of love and polish as Factorio does, both when it comes to the vanilla game and mods, and I know they will deliver a good experience with the DLC as well.

However, I am worried if it's gonna be enough to stand out among other games in the genre. It has been many years since Factorio last got a substantial content update (maybe too many) and in the meantime we've got a lot of similarly-genred games like DSP or Satisfactory that have raised the bar in areas that Factorio lacked. I hope F:SA has enough meat on its bones to substantially change the core game rather than just more of what we've already played.

Well this article is kinda saying that they are barely keeping their head above water as it is, and CIG is vastly mismanaging money and driving development heavily on how many ships they can sell in that year.

So if anything I'd say that this strategy doesn't seem to be working out for them anymore

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Also obscurity, practically none of the content creators or companies I followed on Twitter have moved to Mastodon and getting news from them was the only purpose of that site in the first place (for me).

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I get that it's really easy to be negative and jaded about it but cmon, I just want more (good) MMOs to play. Hello Games has both the budget and the experience to make it a good game, and the fact that they are trying to do it in a pretty struggling and stale genre is commending IMHO.

Of course I'm not preordering or believing anything they say until I see it for myself, that goes without saying - but we shouldn't actively root for them to fail like many of the comments here are seemingly doing. Let's not be "those" always-negative online people just looking for a reason to hate, I'm sure this game will finds its audience the same way NMS did eventually and I personally hope I'm one of them.

That's pretty good, I still wonder how long will it take for companies to actually implement them in practice though. Steam still uses its frustrating steamguard instead of just letting us use any generic 2FA provider like aegis for example, I doubt they'll implement this any time soon.

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I'm really disheartened that most of the people I follow on twitter haven't moved to other platforms, or if they did they decided to go to bluesky that is the same shit as twitter (or is bound to be in a few years).

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I am a bit cynical about it as well, but on the other hand mozilla's entire shtick and what's keeping them alive is their privacy oriented, anti-google approach. If they enter the fediverse they'd probably stick to these principles since they are the only reason why you'd want to go with them over the competitors in the first place, right? So it could be a good thing maybe.

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Procedural generation is not the same thing as assets created by "AI" tools. Procedural generation still has to use proprietary assets created or owned by the devs.

I kinda agree with most of hese points tbh, I still have an account on Mastodon but due to issues outlined in the article it is still very empty and soulless to me, even compared to twitter that after all the bullshit it's been going through still has actual interesting content and people there (and the algorithm that actually shows me their content I'm interested in instead of an chronological timeline with 90% worthless comments).

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None of this should be a surprise to anyone remotely familiar with their timelines

I actually think they shouldn't, it already made steam reviews even worse because people are farming points with low effort memes and copypastas.

I sense a conflict of interests 😁

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It's the classic paradox of tolerance. Tolerating everything equivalently is just a recipe for disaster.

If its by the developer of NPxSB why not just update that one, or am I misunderstanding something in the title?

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Abandon AAA, buy more indie or AA games and you'll find what you want

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It's a fun cheap game when you have 20 minutes to kill with no added bs in forms of ads, microtransactions or fomo ¯\(ツ)

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The issue is that people who do want to moderate dont have the tools for it, and/or burn out doing it like it's happening to beehaw. The fediverse software just isn't ready for stuff like this unfortunately, and it's a shame. Their focus really should have been moderation tools and safety in the past few months...

I adore FTL, can't believe nobody else tried to do something similar all these years.

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One of the best games I've played in recent memory, even during EA. Extremely polished and well designed, it's worth every cent and if this doesn't convince you I think it still has a free demo you can try.

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Tbh I'm still not sure what the point of it is. In gtav you get into trouble with police if you rob shops, steal cars or drive over pedestrians, among other things like scripted missions. In saints row it's about gang warfare and them being a nuisance during your city demolition. In mafia you have to obey road laws, hide weapons from plain sight and they are generally a bigger threat.

You can't rob stuff or do heists in 2077, you can summon your own car for free at any point so no need to steal them and since you can fast travel you don't drive as much anyway. The missions that do have car chases are heavily scripted and on the rails.

Is this something just for people who want to go out of their way to fight endless waves of cops and thats it or am I missing something that makes it such a hype worthy feature?

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He talked a lot about his experience and feelings (and that's great!) but I wish he went a bit more into actual mechanics. How "RPG-like" is the game, do choices and builds matter or do you just stack stats and better gear? How is the enemy scaling? What are the build archetypes, if any? Other outlets said the exploration is a bit lacking, so is the settlement building complex enough to carry the game on its own or are we going to have to wait a few years until we get "sim settlements" or something?

It definitely looks like a purchase for me down the line but I still can't tell what kind of demographic is the game actually aimed at, if that makes sense. Is the focus exploration? Basebuilding? Story? Or is it really everything a bit but nothing in specific?

I ain't falling for it again, I will believe it once it's actually out and playable, until then they can fuck off.

Anyway, not following bad changes by meta would leave people where?
Exactly where they are right now.
In that case, Meta joining the fediverse would have been a failed experiment.

Not really, in the greater context of meta controlling the vast majority of fediverse we would be the ones that are a failed experiment, a niche group of old people yelling at clouds, not willing to get with the times and join the instance that has all the content, all the users and all the new tech improvements. Just look at how much shit beehaw got for temporarily defederating the 2 largest lemmy instances, now imagine when that happens to your instance and it gets cut off from meta permanently. It'd be like trying to maintain a twitter competitor while twitter was still in its golden age.

Billions of people using interoparable software to talk to each other. Email is a brilliant success!

People don't create private instances or join smaller communities for their email provider, they go to gmail, hotmai or even protonmail for the promise of stability, safety and compatibility with others, not getting listed as spam bots or their mail going straight into trash. Companies have dedicated people to handle this but in my experience even they just end up using microsoft or google software in the background, just with their custom domain. It is a big success for email and these corporations, it is a terrible story for the open and community-controlled internet and fediverse.

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Damn, thinking about the msn messenger brings me back to such simpler and happier times

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“I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are good people and bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.”

Oh no, are we gonna see corporations go after mods now, under the guise of morality and public decency? Fuck offffff

Unfortunately this is not the fault of mastodon, its community or tech behind it as much as ... nobody from twitter actually moving to mastodon. There aren't many big influencers, companies or content creators on mastodon so your feed is just random people talking about random stuff. The lack of algorithm doesn't help either since someone's random showerthoughts have the same chance of showing up for you as does something trending that you'd actually be interested in.

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Wait, DLSS doesn't work on Linux at all? That's a pretty big thing to gloss over whenever someone is talking about linux gaming and how comparable it is to windows nowadays. I doubt I'd be able to get anything remotely close to a stable framerate on cyberpunk2077 without it, and same goes for other newer games like dying light 2 or starfield!

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I am still surprised people didn't anticipate stuff like this in the fediverse to be honest. We all have jokes or actual experiences about power tripping mods or admins on reddit, discord, twitch, forums, or any other similar situation when a petty person gets a minuscule amount of power and immediately wants to exercise it as much as possible.

Now imagine a person like that owning the hardware on which your social platform is hosted, having access to all the data on it, and in no small way determining how the software will be developed (or at the very least, configured) for their instance. And this is without even getting into the nightmare of what happens once money is involved.

As long as the fediverse depends on these few people maintaining it, it will always have problems like these - you're just replacing the corporate overlords with petty nerds (and I use nerds here lovingly since I am one of those) and honestly, I'm not sure which one is worse. Fediverse should have from the start focused on individual responsibility and curation, making it extremely easy for people to host their own small instances that are efficient and safe, instead of everyone just moving to the biggest ones and using them like any other social media (but with less oversight). It's a recipe for disaster. I dunno if that is even possible, but the current approach is kinda doomed to fail too.

edit: FWIW I think Mastodon does it much better, many tech-savy people host their own accounts and are still part of the larger community. However the discoverability is shit so unless you're already famous, you depend on local feeds to find new stuff (or them to find you). If we can expand on it, make it easier to transfer your account and reuse it everywhere, make it cheap and easier to host and secure your own instances (even for casual users!), it'd be a better way to move forward IMO.