Mastodon Is the Good One to – 258 points –

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Also obscurity, practically none of the content creators or companies I followed on Twitter have moved to Mastodon and getting news from them was the only purpose of that site in the first place (for me).

This is the biggest problem with new social sites, the main reason for having them is the people on them (or not on them).

Which is part of why we should want all the popular social sites to be federated, so that holding the userbase doesn't create an insurmountable monopoly and you can easily move to a better alternative without leaving your friends and content behind

This is why Lemmy (previously Reddit) is hugely more appealing to me than mastodon or twitter. I want sensible discussion and useful information, not to hear what some celebrity or internet persona is thinking about while they take a shit.

It just takes a bit of time, then people will evetually come to the fediverse.

If you're on xitter now. I just assume your a white supremacist. Might wanna tell your influencers that.

Knowing that there's reasonable and friendly people like you on mastodon will surely help with the adoption

Think that's becoming more obvious, as the general census outside of our fedi bubble is also that it's becoming a racist shit hole.