Against the Storm - Ancient Seals Briefing | Features Overview to – 18 points –

Embark on a cycle-long journey. Grow your caravan, solve world map events, and resurrect the Guardian to close the Ancient Seal!

Available now:\_the\_Storm/


It's a really cool roguelike basebuilder game and the Ancient Seals is the most recent of many updates for it that we've gotten, adding more goals in the game and an overarching narrative / progression in each cycle so settlements feel more connected than before.

It's relatively cheap, the developers are great at supporting the game and listening to feedback, and I definitely recommend it for anyone curious about it. The game has felt finished and very polished for over a year now so don't let the early access tag dissuade you from trying it out

tl;dr It's a good game and it's consistently getting better

don’t let the early access tag dissuade you

The game is fully playable and has hardly any bugs. They have a set schedule for updates: every two weeks. I'm amazed at the changes they've done since I picked it up during the winter sale (9ish months ago). The devs are dedicated, that's for sure.

It's one of my favourite games. The devs are really good at making the choices you make interesting and meaningful.