Superb survival city-builder Against the Storm is finally finished and released to – 160 points –
Superb survival city-builder Against the Storm is finally finished and released

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One of the best games I've played in recent memory, even during EA. Extremely polished and well designed, it's worth every cent and if this doesn't convince you I think it still has a free demo you can try.

Yeah seriously. Amazing devs who kept on their update cycle and listened to their fans. A lot of the QoL improvements were suggested by the community.

I bought it during last year's Steam Winter sale and it's one of my most played games.

I started playing it around May 2023, and it was pretty solid.

So to see a massive list of changes since then, just wow!

They have been amazing in terms of updates - regular meaningful updates every 2 weeks, it was amazing to see the game evolve so fast. I hope it means they just had a really good codebase and established workflow rather than they were crunching though.