ECC with N100 (e.g. Aoostar N1)? to – 6 points –

Has anyone tried to run their Aoostar N1 or similar N100 systems with ECC memory? I haven’t found any indication on whether this would work, but don’t want to buy and regret it.


Not supported. Best case, it simply works in non-ECC mode, worst case, it won't boot.

That’s too bad — guess I‘ll have to find other alternatives then.

Says it doesn't support ECC:

I don't think you'll find many low-power chips with ECC support, if any. What's the concern?

I’ve been running my current setup with ZFS and ECC the last 10 years. With data archiving (don’t want to lose my kids‘ photos) ECC is important to me, as bit flips could otherwise break files even with ZFS.