Is there a Chronic Pain Support Forum? to – 35 points –

Hey there, today is a bumpy road in the pain-o-meter. And I wanted to reach out to other grumpy pain folk, and get some tlc for my soul. But I couldn't figure out if there even is some kind of support forum on here. So I figured I would ask, and you guys would give me the 411.


I saw that there's !

Dunno if it's exactly what you're looking for - it seems quite memey

Why, life!? Memes, freakin' memes =_o!

But also, thank you! On both accounts. Fixed the language thing.

On, it's showing that your post has been made in the 'afaraf' language btw, so most people won't see it, and it's probably worth fixing with an edit.

I know it's not what you're asking for but I thought of it when I read your post. Glance at the Bearable app if you haven't already, you might like it. All the best to you!

Thank you also, on both accounts. Sometimes it's so nice to get some "let's go" lubbies from fellow folks in pain. I just kinda like...cultivated my own, popped a pain pill, and smooshed back into life. Health tracking is important by the by =)! Thanks again =)