Any way to enable on-device translations on Android? to – 37 points –

Hello all,

As you may be aware, Firefox introduced on-device translations on the desktop a few months ago and according to this knowledge base page it has been available since version 126, but unfortunately only on some unnamed devices.

Do you know of any way (i.e. preferences in about:config) to forcefully enable the feature?

Thanks in advance


I'm uninformed on this matter but it's on "Studies" for me.

Aren't "Studies" just a fancy term for "limited rollout"? So I assume Mozilla controls them. Therefore I don't think it's a value in about:config. I might be wrong though.

browser.translations.enable to true.

It's already at true and Firefox does not suggest translations

Are you on a foreign page? Don't think it shows if you're on a page your phone recognises as native.

Yep, I went to the Italian edition of with my phone set to French.

Edit: tried El PaĆ­s as well

Are you using Nightly? If not, can you test with Nightly?

It shows on Nightly, but I feel it will quickly become cumbersome to open links in Nightly just for translations.

Switch to Nightly. Hear me out. Nightly is a much cooler browser and you get to try things out, occasionally they mess things up, but it's actually really stable and it has the feature you're looking for.