Whose voice is yours? (spoiler: Mine's Ronald D. Moore in AP Style)

Pete Hahnloser@beehaw.org to Chat@beehaw.org – 8 points –

I just had a Discord moment where a throwaway line was highlighted as high art, and I looked at what I'd dashed off and was like, "Oh, my Picard voice. Not generally useful outside of editorial writing."


The moviefone guy, when I'm on the phone. People are genuinely surprised I'm a person who'll respond and not a practiced recording. I may have used the skill to avoid taking phone calls when working corporate jobs...

In text, I'm not consciously aware of influences that may be being channeled. Sometimes I'll consciously choose "exasperated teacher" tone to type things out but that's more a combination of all the educators I've frustrated over the years than one standout inspiration.