[glazier] my minimal crux linux setup

kh1b@lemmy.sdf.org to Unixporn@lemmy.ml – 88 points –
  • computer : x250
  • OS : crux
  • text editor: vis, ed
  • wm: glazier, wmutils
  • gopher: sacc
  • IRC: ii, lchat
  • video/audio: mpv
  • images: lel, xscreenshot
  • browser: surf, firefox, links

How did you take screenshot before pressing return?

wait, how can you see that ?

The cursor is still after "screen.png" and not on the next line.
The only explanation I have is that starting xscreenshot and executing xscreenshot is faster than the UI is refreshed.

433 packages, impressive :) I'm stuck on 474 while keeping a working environment where I can do my things nicely. And that doesn't count some hand compiled/written programs I have. Also, 175MiB of memory! I used to boot at around 400MB into my WM but over time it has gone up to a fat 600MB without changing anything :| Just nice to see someone going for a minimal system.