Gay man ‘tortured’ in Qatar for his sexuality returns home after 'deeply disappointing' sentence to World – 142 points –
Gay man ‘tortured’ in Qatar for his sexuality returns home after 'deeply disappointing' sentence

Religion of peace strikes again

Trump is Christian and look what he wants to do with his project 2025. It's not about religion, it's about an authoritarian regime that uses a book as justification for their bullshit.

Oh this is awesome! So now my comments are somehow offensive and get removed by a mod but a person that's calling other people names is apparently fine. And just when I thought Lemmy was different from Reddit... Can a mod please point out what part of my comments was somehow deserving of the removal?

I still can see all your comments and I see "load 42 more comments" in that thread. Maybe you got an error on posting the reply because that user blocked you?