Dancer in the Dark - I've Seen it All (Bjork/Peter Stormare) (OST) to – 6 points –

I have such complicated feelings surrounding this movie. Because it is profoundly emotional and quite beautiful, yet absolutely is tarnished by it's Cosby-esq level of creepiness. Yet in a vacuum, I think it would be my favorite. As for sure, it is one of the most beautiful tear inducing movies I have ever seen. Yet it is absolutely without a reason of a doubt a product of actual human misery.

Lars von Trier makes some of what I'd consider my favorite fucked up movies. I haven't seen the lot of them but I fell into The House that Jack Built and I think it might be one of my favorite horror movies if I were going from experience. Melancholia I have seen first hand at the hands of an unmedicated friend who teeters between functional and despondent like a yoyo. Either superhuman, or absolutely swamped by life. He pushes me as an individual to ask - what content can I enjoy when coming from the minds of "the problem." When sitting with the idea of toxic masculinity.

I will say that I believe his nazi comment was blown out of proportion. In that I don't believe he was trying to say that he believed in what nazis believe in. But more so I think he was trying to put his head into a place to understand how one could become a nazi, especially being expressly from that lineage. I think it's like individuals who try to understand the darker things in the world, like the root of addiction or what drives warlords. I have seen individuals (like black-ass people) read mein kampf and walk away with sympathy for hitler. And I think that might have been what he was playing at, but off the cuff he could not express it. Unless I am wrong, in which case outright nazis bad.

But yeah, von Trier makes me have a solid think, as well as Michael Jackson. Am I supporting evil in partaking in the media of men who create issues? But I also think often, almost every woman I have ever met has been assaulted in some way, and that perpetrators of evil far extend past the media.

Eh. This whole thing is a shit-show garbled mind-spat. Just enjoy the song if you're into it. There's one with Thom Yorke out there as well. Which is actually how I originally heard it on a college radio station a hundred years ago.


Dancer in the dark is definitely a great movie to feel like shit. It's poignant, dark and sad.

It's a happiness drain.