Palestinian voices sidelined at DNC despite push for representation. to politics – -11 points –
Palestinian voices sidelined at DNC despite push for representation

Why are Palestinian American voices important? Why not call for someone to speak who actually lives there right now? Otherwise all you're getting is "I talked to my auntie on the phone and she said...."

Palestinian Americans make up like 0.05% of the US population, and importantly, they don't live in Palestine anymore. Palestine isn't a country, it has never been a country. It's not an ally of the US, and in fact it regularly attacks an established ally of the US. That ally spent billions of dollars on a missile defence system and walls to reduce the damage of those attacks, and still had them punch through and kill a thousand civilians.

Palestine does ally itself with enemies of the US though, with countries like Iran sending both weapons and financial aid to terrorist groups within the region. You might say that Hamas is not Palestine, well... There is majority support for Hamas in Gaza still, it's not like they're some fringe group that the people don't like.

Are Palestinians civilians dying? Yes.

"Hide behind civilians" is literally in the Guerilla Warfare 101 handbook, and Hamas knows how to read.

Should the US assist in wars if civilians are getting harmed? Clearly yes. Otherwise countries and groups will just take advantage of the US by hiding behind civilians even more. Hell, the US harmed civilians themselves in their own wars in the middle east, in far greater numbers than what's happening in Gaza right now. There were entire movies made about how bad clearing towns was, and how the terrorists hid behind and used civilians. Israel is just doing this the more forceful way.

This also isn't just about Palestine, this whole fucking thing is a Proxy war between Israel (and the west) and Iran. Iran keeps sending in money and weapons, and in return Israel gets weakened by having do deal with all this bullshit. Iranians doesn't have to endanger it's own people or borders, and you know they really don't care about the Palestinians dying because there are no Palestinian refugees in Iran. Google it, there's a report from the UN on that.