How Queer Pro Wrestlers Are Handling America's Anti-LGBTQ+ Heel Turn | Defector

I'm A Different to – 50 points –
How Queer Pro Wrestlers Are Handling America's Anti-LGBTQ+ Heel Turn | Defector

I didnt realize how big a LGBTQ+ presence there was in pro-wrestling.

It's much better now than 20 years ago, for sure - the locker room culture these days is a heck of a lot better (but not perfect since there's still a hella lot of Qanon weirdos in NXT).

It's even more noticable in some of the indie promotions. FEST and Enjoy come to mind first. I will watch Edith Surreal any day.

Edith Surreal is pretty rad. Caught her in the main event at Wrestle Queerdom against VENY, and she put on a great show