Open Source recommendations for someone trying to ditch iOS? to Open – 2 points –

I probably can't get a new phone super soon, but it's been quite frustrating how little support there is for iOS versions of open source software I've been slowing moving towards or investigating. I absolutely get why though!

I have the capability to understand complex topics but it takes me quite a few tries to really get it, so I'd like some help or recommendations of things that aren't "just use linux". (I am slowly dipping my toes by using WSL for things, though.) I am always searching for software, but I've never been active enough in communities to ask for personal recommendations and be warned of short comings. Obviously if you find recommendations, they want to look the best to you and hide their faults. I do try and research as much as possible, but like I said, I can get confused or not understand the drawbacks or full level of manual work/environments needed to operate at times.

Mostly I'm looking for day to day things that I can operate from my windows computer, but can also connect to my phone, assuming I get an android next. (Librem phones looks cool, but switching carrier providers is not feasible for me at the moment.) The boring things, like calendar, email, notes (I do use obsidian already). But if you'd like to gush about your daily drivers, I'm all ears!


Hey! I wrote up a list of Open Source iOS apps on the Privacy Guides community.

I've been slowly trying to become platform agnostic, so I can switch back and forth between OSs without losing function. I'm not 100% there, but I hope this list helps you too if you are looking to go that route.

Copying the relevant bits here.

For iOS:

Fully FOSS:

FOSS, but with a paid tier:

Paid Only, but Open Source:

wahhh, I never got an alert for this!! Thank you so much!!

Joplin - Note App

I don't think there's a paid tier for Joplin, just the ability to donate (for no perks or mention).

Never mind, I see there's Joplin Cloud with online storage and multiple user support.

Incredible list, thanks for linking everything! I look forward to checking out yattee and netnewswire. Probably a lot more. I'd add Omnivore (Pocket alternative) to the fully foss list. And Proton Drive is out of testing now I think.

I’ve played around with Ubuntu touch from ubports foundation on an old pixel 3a. It works ok as a basic daily driver. Depending on the phone model there’s support for waydroid which helps with using android apps.