Ain't None of us Free until All of us Free Rule to – 81 points –

Recommended readings:

  • Women, Race and Class by Angela Davis.
  • Freedom is a Constant Struggle by Angela Davis.
  • Ain’t I a Woman? Black Women and Feminism by Bell Hooks

Recommended in the comments:


  • Revolution in Rojava: Democratic Autonomy and Women's Liberation in Syrian Kurdistan by Michael Knapp, Anja Flach and Ercan Ayboga
  • Liberating Life: Woman's Revolution by Abdullah Ocalan

Source: (about 5min in)

Taking my shot 🥃 🫡

Yes! Thank you! I had forgotten what video I had grabbed the screen from, so I really appreciate you taking the time to find it!

You’re welcome, hahaha.

I knew it was one of the recent ones, so it only took me a minute 🙃

Can I add: Revolution in Rojava: Democratic Autonomy and Women's Liberation in Syrian Kurdistan by Michael Knapp, Anja Flach and Ercan Ayboga


Liberating Life: Woman's Revolution by Abdullah Ocalan

Added to the body of the post! And my ever growing reading list, thanks for the recommendations!