17 Post – 135 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If I can't share a Curly Wurly then it's not a revolution.

Watched a lot of Binging With Babish and Just got tired of his schtick I think. Same with the How To Drink guy.

Matthew 17:20, NIV He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

I was raised Evangelical and yeah, my parents took that literally.

For sure.

I remember a little while back reading something about how Financial Literacy was introduced as a way for the banks to avoid regulation, pushing the responsibility to individuals rather than face government pressure to change.

I'll have to look for the article...


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In most places under the American empire's control to varying degrees.*

The cost of digital advertising cannot be justified by its effectiveness (or rather lack there of). We've collectively spent hundreds of billions of dollars creating the infrastructure for invasive hyper targeted ads that do not get better results than simple billboards and terrestrial TV ads even now. We've created a global economy of marketing, media, advertising and sales solely reliant on technofeudalist overlords who've provided very little actual improvement of anything.

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Yeah it's a good book. It's a cycle that this issue surfaces every couple of years where someone does a study, finds that the numbers they're given don't match their own analysis and the ad tech platform does some PR to paper over the story.

Most people selling ads are just like the real estate agents in The Big Short. The media people make their money via rebate from the platforms by guaranteeing a certain volume of spend so they have no incentive to be putting hard questions to the platforms and the client is reliant on seeing the data which is provided by the platform with no third parties able to provide any level of transparency.

Money goes into Google, Amazon and Meta's black boxes which spit out numbers. The agency people copy and paste the figures into a presentation and everyone congratulates each other for a job well done.

Yep and in order for these companies to grow they must continue to increase the volume of ads being shown, which only makes them less effective, which they try and counter by making them ever more invasive.

It's so good to have diverse voices to hear from.

Are we supposed to believe the largest most dominant military force in the world, Kublai Kahn's Mongol fleet was defeated by some inclement weather... TWICE?? Lazy writing.

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Did they ever? They bought PageMaker in 1994 and Photoshop in 1995. They bought Macromedia in 2006, GoLive, Live motion, Typekit, Behance... Is there anything they've ever bought they haven't slowly ruined with financialisation or just outright shuttering what would have been competition?

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I have never had any thoughts about anyone in my gym beyond "I hope no-one heard me fart on that last squat."

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"Fraggles don't have any bosses [...] We each lead ourselves and we all lead each other." - Wembley Fraggle, Fraggle Rock

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That whole not paying rent thing becomes even murkier when you dive into one of his many other lawsuits.

  1. Elon doesn't pay rent, one member of the transition team told Hawkins. Another member of the transition team put it more bluntly to Killian: Elon told me he would only pay rent over his dead body.
  2. Both Killian and Hawkins were told that for Musk, the fact that Twitter was legally or contractually obligated to pay a particular sum would be irrelevant to the decision of whether to actually pay it when that amount came due that Musk operated on a zero cost basis"


  1. Between the demands that he effectively participate in theft and fraud and instructions to take actions inviolation of California law and that could put his colleagues lives at risk in the event of a fire a possibility only increased by the unlicensed use of space heaters Killian had no choice but to walk away from the job he had dedicated over a decade of his life to .

Of course. It's a Murdoch newspaper they're the shittiest of shit tier capitalists.

Mmmhmm I know some of those words. Chan boards always make me feel like such a Normie.

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I have four tyres in pretty good condition on my car, that's $1000 right there.

My guess. Dud was just totally disconnected from reality. He isn't that smart and didn't understand how badly he'd fucked up.

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My MY21 Hyundai Kona feels like a normal car without all those extra features. Lots of tactile buttons, there's a headphone jack/USB. It's really just a regular car with an EV engine.

"She would use $950,000 of her divorce settlement to buy the mountain."

I'm just flabbergasted by the sheer amount of money these people have. Who has $950,000 or anywhere close to that amount of cash? Even if I sold my house I wouldn't have that!

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What a ridiculous edgelord.

No, some of them are also insurrectionists who've already tried to overthrow their government once.

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There are broadly 150 indigenous language groups but only about 14 are still in common use.

If you've worked for a single company/system for 7 years you get a bonus 6 weeks 'long-service' leave.

We have a native cherry that grows inside out called a cherry ballart.

Our cuisine is really varied depending on your geography with a lot of soth East Asian influences. Most people will make stir-fry reasonably often and we have our own variations of sushi and dim sum which would offend most Japanese or Chinese people.

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I will never not post this. This is what anyone who gets one of these is destined for :

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Tell that to her victims at Walgreens who grieved when they were falsely told they had suffered a miscarriage or who were told they were HIV positive.

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Dudes out here comparing phrenology notes like that shit still valid.

Check out The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein.

It's all about how those in power, like big governments and corporations, take advantage of chaotic situations like natural disasters or political turmoil – to push their agendas. They use these shocks and their subsequent 'recoveries' to bulldoze through policies that consolidate wealth while forcing systems to reform in their image.

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Unbelievable really. These quotes from one of his many other lawsuits shows just how entitled he is.

Elon doesn't pay rent, one member of the transition team told Hawkins. Another member of the transition team put it more bluntly to Killian: Elon told me he would only pay rent over his dead body. 7. Both Killian and Hawkins were told that for Musk, the fact that Twitter was legally or contractually obligated to pay a particular sum would be irrelevant to the decision of whether to actually pay it when that amount came due that Musk operated on a zero cost basis"


  1. Between the demands that he effectively participate in theft and fraud and instructions to take actions inviolation of California law and that could put his colleagues lives at risk in the event of a fire a possibility only increased by the unlicensed use of space heaters Killian had no choice but to walk away from the job he had dedicated over a decade of his life to .
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We all know where this ends up. Remove all regulation and corporations are free to create their own conditions of employment. We've been here before. When there was no mandatory minimum leave, people worked every day till they died. When there was no universal healthcare people died because they couldn't afford treatment. When there was no operational health and safety people died in excruciating pain as their lungs consumed themselves from the inside out because PPE was expensive and their labour wasn't. When there was no minimum wage people were paid in company scrip, not cash. When there was no minimum working age, children lost limbs in doing dangerous work because they had to support their families. When there was no child protection agencies families sold their kids to farmers, pimps and bandits to pay for tomorrow's meals. When there was no food safety standards, bread was adulterated with sawdust to make up the weight. Government regulations are written in a history of blood and suffering due to the greed of capitalists. Anyone who wants to return to the 1800s deserves the social upheaval that comes with it.

Yes! I was thinking of this when I wrote the question. I feel like it was great and just totally disappeared.

I kept thinking about it's parody ads when all those 'we're in this together' ads kept playing during the start of the pandemic.

Clearly he doesn't give a shit. That's the point. He can ruin 14,000 people's lives and go on taking his private jet from city to city to skip traffic.

You guys remember the old internet? Filled with Usenet trolls? Somethingawful doxxes? The bullying of Star Wars kid? Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project? I don't know if it's human nature but the outrage is in the bones of the internet.

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Mmmmm nice to know the AI got halfway through the article before giving up.

Musk’s purchase of Twitter was secured with funding from a number of investors, including Larry Ellison, the co-founder of software company Oracle, and Qatar Holding, which is controlled by Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund.

His insinuation that McDonald's caused liver damage in his documentary was pretty questionable especially when it came out that he'd failed to mention his severe alcoholism.

“I don't want the Queen Mary,” he snapped back. “I plan to blow up the Queen Mary. I want speedboats.”

Jack Welch, CEO of GE and a cunt.

Assassins Creed: Odyssey. Cassandra is my muscle mommy.

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Fuck ads

The emotional reaction I get to these stories is hard to put into words. It's a mix of deep sadness and incandescent rage. I just can't imagine being in that position and not wanting to firebomb a politician's house.

My little girl had a very high fever the other night and we were really worried about her, so we called the nurse on call hotline who advised us to wait and go to the urgent care centre in the morning unless she got suddenly worse overnight, then to head to emergency. It was all stressful enough just worrying about how sick she was. I can't imagine how much worse it would be having to worry about paying for any of those services on top of that.