What film, show or game that is not necessarily 'underated' didn't have the level of social impact it deserved.

CurlyWurlies4All@slrpnk.net to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 207 points –

What's the antithesis of Arrested Development, Firefly or The Big Lebowski? Those may never have 'found their audience' but over time seemed to recognised by everyone. What are the deep cuts that you liked but it feels like everyone has completely forgotten they even existed.


Mr Robot is a damn masterpiece and I don't think I've ever participated in or heard a verbal discussion about it. But whenever it pops up in a thread or comment section there's always tons of people giving it praise.

I know the camera operator that shot Mr Robot. They created a completely new camera framing language. Breaking the norms and conventions. It really deserves more recognition than it got.

Could you discuss a bit more what you mean by new camera framing language?

I thought nothing could top Breaking Bad, but then I watched Mr. Robot.

The creativity, cinematography and unique ideas in that are outstanding. The episode with almost no dialogue is particularly brilliant.

The episode with almost no dialogue is particularly brilliant.

Despite not liking most of the last season, I agree that episode is brilliant. I did not even notice there wasn't any dialogue while watching it, I was that captivated.

I didn't notice until near the end, when I couldn't recall anyone saying anything or the music stopping. 😄

My personal favorite episode is "Don't delete me". It just has a certain feel to it that other episodes don't, especially with the "Trying to find a purpose" theme.

I watched the first season and found it cringe.

THANK YOU. I couldn't get past the god-damned teenage angst.

It just feels so Reddit

I think you’re supposed to see that and see that it’s cringe though. I still couldn’t get into it though. I watched the first season and half of the second and it didn’t do it for me

My partner and I had the same experience. I kept powering through because I had heard from some folks OH IT IS SO GENIUS AND AMAZING but it felt… awful.

I don't know the last time I fell off a show so hard. It sets up this amazing conspiracy plot with dramatic cloak-and-dagger stuff, all supported by interesting characters I wanted to see more of, and then it completely went off the rails into addiction and petty crime.

I'm sure that stuff gets relevant later but it felt like I was watching a different show. Completely lost interest.

First season is the best, it actually gets much worse after that. Shows tries extra hard to be edgy, graphic and "weird". It also becomes less and less about hacking, which was the most interesting part of the show.

The first season was “so bad it’s funny” for me, I never got the praise.

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Dredd, highly praised by fan and critics; Also a recent one Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves no buzz but high praise overall.

Dredd had a really poor advertising campaign. I think the first trailer only came out a few weeks before it's release when for other films it's months in advance.

I think the first footage I saw was actually a VFX breakdown that somehow made it's way into YouTube but it didn't stay there long.

There was a big campaign to get a sequel and Dredd on Blu-ray rose to #1 in the Amazon sales charts.

One of the executive producers, Adi Shankar, explained in a YouTube video that he appreciated the effort but the big problem was the box office returns. Everyone who invested made a loss, so no one wanted to invest in a sequel.

Rebellion were going to make a Mega City One series which may have had appearances from Dredd occasionally but I think that project has stalled.

If I remember correctly here in German it was marketed as "Dredd 3D", which turned me off at the time.

Same in the US. Putting 3D in the title is lame, especially if it's not the third in a series.

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Honor Among Thieves was so good. I couldn't stop geeking out over how much D&D was in it. They even cameo'd the freaking Animated Series party! It's nuts.

It's the first time I've unexpectedly felt, "Wow, that was so fun!" since maybe Zombieland or The Lego Movie. The definition of a "fun movie," it was so much better than I expected.

I think the worst thing about Dredd not getting a sequel is people who only see it will think he was just a generic action hero.

it is absolutely baffling to me that Dredd (2012) has a better review score than Judge Dredd (1995) (a far superior movie in my opinion).

both are good for different reasons

Dredd was fun don't get me wrong, but i feel like it dropped a lot of the good themes and sci-fi worldbuilding of the original in favor of a pretty generic (if competently executed) action shoot-em-up.

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Better Off Ted is still my favorite sitcom. Corporate came along and tried to pick up the mantle, but I still prefer Ted.

Yes! I was thinking of this when I wrote the question. I feel like it was great and just totally disappeared.

I kept thinking about it's parody ads when all those 'we're in this together' ads kept playing during the start of the pandemic.

I would upvote this fifty times if I could. Better Off Ted was an absolute gem.

Blade Runner 2049. Extremely highly rated, just wasn't popular enough

I watched Blade Runner 2049 about half year after its release, and about 15 years after I watched the firs movie. My reaction was "I do not understand all the criticism of 2049 - it is a good movie". And then I decided to rewatch the first movie. And then I understood. And that's despite of the fact that the first movie is really old.

People just don't have the patience anymore to soak in a mood and atmosphere while a story slowly unfolds.

I feel like it also wasn't marketed at all. The only reason I knew about it is because I check what's playing in IMAX every month.

I never saw a single ad or any hype for it

I must say that I felt the atmosphere was forced in 2049. In the original, the atmosphere was part of the setting and not lingered over. 2049 forced the audience to look at it, “soak” in it as you say, and I thought it was detrimental to the progress of the film. JMO, of course. Still a great movie.

I missed seeing the original in theaters (just a bit too young, then only got to see it on VHS) but caught a theatrical showing with my son and his friend just before 2049 came out and man, two great flicks to see on the big screen. TV just do not do these types of movies justice.

Blade Runner PC game by westwood was also amazing, but didnt seem to get any traction.

Fucking fantastic game, though. Everyone should play it.. theres an enhanced now, so you don't have to do the weirdo workaround shit with the 16bit installer.

Like, it’s fine, but I don’t feel like it was anything special?

If you've only seen it once, I'd recommend a rewatch. I feel like subsequent viewings just get better.

Not enough people understand how great of a show Bojack Horsman was.

Absolutely love that show. I kinda have to be in a good headspace to watch it though, cause it has definitely had a negative impact on my own depressive thoughts before. But that show can be so damn cathartic and just a great watch overall

It’s popular and well-loved, but I agree - I always say that the penultimate episode of the final season is the greatest episode of television ever made.

It would be if they hadn't chickened out with the last episode. Unfortunately that kind of tarnishes the impact of the penultimate episode in hindsight.

Interesting I thought the last episode was the perfect ending. Cause it's so grounded. No cheesy happy end, no sensational bad end, just a very grounded "yea shit happens in live and you gotta keep on living and deal with it", cause that's how live actually is for most people.

What would you have preferred the ending be?

I still think the finale of The Good Place beats it, but the competition is close!

I really enjoyed Equilibrium (2002). Is it derivative of 1984 and Fahrenheit 451? Absolutely. But so was V for Vendetta.

It's a B level film that still packs a punch today, particularly in a dystopian era of politics. The message of learning to connect continues to be relevant in a hyper connected, but shallow relational landscape.

If I could get a version of the movie with the swish sounds removed then it'd be 10/10. I love that movie

Don't forget that it's riding heavily on the cinematic style of The Matrix. Doesn't matter though, still an excellent movie, especially if you watched it as a teenager!

The Man from Earth is not forgotten, it has never been recognized. I've never seen such a great movie. The plot: a bunch of techers talking. That's it. But that talk is mindblowing.

The Last Man on Earth was also amazing and under recognized.

Just make sure to never - never - watch the sequal

Great watch!

My only gripe was the fact that he actually declared himself as [the one they accused him of being]. I wonder what would have happened if he kept it subtle or even passed it off as "It's a joke guys" in a convincing manner. Would have been left to audience interpretations and may have increased tension. One may never know.

He didn't really declare himself as anything during that portion of his story though. He explained how certain misperceptions and misunderstandings led to things getting out of control.

I think I remember someone directly asking him the question and he simply replied. Think you're right though. Damn humans and their need for answers!

It's definitely time for a rewatch as my impressions have become hazy. Thanks mate.

Stargate. Had a long run with good viewership and multiple series, but has had very little cultural impact compared to trek/wars. Sg1 can stand up to any trek series

I always thought that Stargate: Universe was a Firefly situation. Maybe it was a touch below Battlestar Galactica, but it's not ludicrous to mention them in the same sentence.

Universe was my favorite of all of Stargate. It asked the best questions and showed how easy it is to die on a super advanced spaceship if there isn't fresh air and clean water. A shame it is discontinued.

Universe was so fkin bad it killed the whole franchise...

It's been a long time since I watched, but people mention the way the world actually changes and grows as it progresses. In Star Trek, they use phasors the exact same way for centuries, in Stargate their M.O. completely changes from start to finish of the series.

The good place. It's fairly short and starts out more of a comedy but evolves into a real ethics lesson. One that a lot of people need to hear.

The Good Place might just be my favorite TV show. It's just so well done on every level and is one of few sitcoms where the main characters aren't just terrible people. They're not perfect or anything, but it's just nice to see characters earnestly carrying for others and trying to be better people.

Parks and Rec is another show like that (also by Michael Schur) that I just love.

I'm going to throw out 2 series that were canceled early that I'm still salty about: The River that was on track to rival Lost in quality, and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles which is another case where Summer Glau got screwed. Lena Heady has said if SCC didn't get canceled, she wouldn't have gotten Game of Thrones, which hits a lot different now than 10 years ago when GoT was good.

I loved SCC, it was such a great show that didn't get the attention it deserved.

Little Miss Sunshine

Hilarious indie comedy. I’ve never heard of anyone disliking it, but it also almost never gets brought up.

Such a good movie and a great showcase of Steve Carrell's (and the rest of the cast's) range, managing to be heartbreaking and laugh out loud funny throughout the movie.

HBO's Rome

That show had great scripts, great acting, and great visuals. I can't think of one area where the show had a serious deficiency. It was the quality of Game of Thrones before Game of Thrones. It just never caught on. I give it a rewatch once every few years.

RIP Ray Stevenson. 13!

As great as it is, you could tell they had to cramp two season's worth of story into the second season so that it felt very rushed and important side characters died off screen. And then of course the sets burned down ironically, making any continuation impossible.

Star Wars Galaxies. It really was really lightning in a bottle. No other game has come close to recreating the social player-driven sandbox experience that was SWG. This was the first MMORPG I played to feature a classless build system and I haven’t played another game which does it quite as well. Honourable mention goes to the Jump to Lightspeed expansion, truly the coolest expansion for any game I’ve ever experienced. We will never be able to recreate the experience of SWG again, the culture of gaming has changed too much. It was a game where you simply couldn’t solo the entire game or hang around with a dungeon finder or anything like that. You had to interact with other people - you had to kick back and hang out in bars together, you had to ask someone to help you change your hair colour or style, you had to ask doctors to heal you, or tailors to make clothes for you in a style you liked, or settle for off-the-rack fashions bought from player-owned stores. Players would also take the role of bounty hunters to hunt down criminal players for credits. You’d get to know a lot of the people you shared a server with, you’d remember who was fun to team up with, or who saved your ass, or who gave you some buffs, etc. and it really made the experience unforgettable.

Shit, close to 10 years after we stopped playing, my wife was playing WOW and someone was all, "Icarii... from Corbantis? I bought so many weapons off you, yours were the best!"

I have good news for you! SWGEMU dot COM. Development has been going on for damn near 20 years now. Hope you have your original install discs or it'll be the high seas for you, mate.

Black books is brilliant and wildly underrated. Dylan Moran as a misanthropic book shop owner with an idiot for a sidekick

Co-created by Graham Linehan who also did Father Ted and The IT Crowd. Shows about misanthropic priests and IT dept guys with idiots for sidekicks. It's a winning formula.

Linehan being attached to something isn't a plus these days...

Yeah, he really Rowlinged himself. Shame.

This is one of my absolute favorites. Few shows get a proper laugh out of me, but him coming out in a jacket made of his tax receipts me ever time.


I agree with the Mr. Robot take in this thread but nothing matches the infectious dialogue and energy that takes place throughout the entire Deadwood series. I never hear or see it talked about online or in my friend groups.

Yeeees. I've tried to get so many people to watch it. "It's like literature in TV show form, you've just gotta!" Nobody has. It's so, so, so good. I've watched it multiple times and, weirdly, it's become comfort TV, despite how heavy it gets.

It took me a few tries to get through the first episode, but once it clicked I was hooked. The flowery vulgarity is such a great style of writing. It's since become one of my favorite shows.

About a year or two ago, through a weird six degrees type situation, I got a surprise phone call from Leon Rippy, the actor who played Tom Nuttal. He spent hours chatting with me that night and over the few days that followed. He was so amazingly friendly and full of great stories about Deadwood and all the other shows and movies he's worked on.

I was in Deadwood SD this summer, I'll have to check out the series. Thanks for the suggestion!

Literally one of the greatest TV shows of all-time. You won't regret it. Enjoy your first watch; I envy you.

Battlestar Galactica. What a phenomenal series.

Edit: the 00's series, not the original. That might be good, but I haven't seen it.

I was going to comment Caprica, which most BSG fans havnt even seen. For what it was, I really liked it, it's a shame it only got the first season

How has it aged? Is it still worth watching in 2023 if I haven't?

EDIT: Thanks guys, already downloaded!

Binged it last year for the first time, it holds up very well. SFX are obviously a bit dated after The Expanse and whatnot, but it's a really good show even if the last season and finale are a bit underwhelming.

EDIT: I'm talking about the remake, not the original series which I haven't watched.

Yeah, I should have specified. I was also talking about the 00's series as well.

I would say absolutely. The 2004 series one of my favorite series, even if I find the end tapers of in quality in my opinion. Otherwise it’s great. Give it a watch.

Babylon 5. It’s not perfect by any means, but it’s a fantastic show, it was pretty popular back in the day, but since it ended it pretty much faded from memory for most people I think, compared to Stargate, for example.

It's been a long time since I've watched B5, but have a few times. Curreltly watching Stargate S02E21.

Aren't there talks of reboot/reimagining?

Yeah, but it's on hold during the strikes. An animated movie just came out too!

...the animated sequel released last week is very good!..easily on-par with an upper-tier episode from its best seasons, and better-produced, to boot...

...sadly, it may as well not exist for all the reaction i've seen posted online; i blame warner brothers' release/pricing strategy...not even the lurker's guide has bothered to update the film information, that's how under-the-radar it's been received...

The first few Splinter Cell games should have had a more-lasting impact on gaming. Proper stealth gameplay in which lighting mattered for the first time (revolutionary), and the Spies vs. Mercs multiplayer still ranks among my favorite multiplayer games of all time. Then they made it into a (still good, but not the same) action series before letting it die completely.

Honestly, I’d say that Splinter Cell is considered to have had a larger impact on gaming than it really did. For example, you claim that Splinter Cell was the first game where lighting mattered - at the very least, Thief: The Dark Project featured that very prominently, four years earlier, but I doubt that was even the first.

Splinter Cell basically just copied Thief and Metal Gear Solid’s homework and changed it up a bit, I’d say it’s inferior to both games, and yet is often considered to be one of the best games ever made.

It's common to see misattribution like this happen woth media, and it's really not a big deal that someone is caught unaware. Like Thief actually does get a lot of praise and did impact gaming, but it's easy for someone to not know of it depending on who they talk to.

But the worst example is several users and a couple YouTube essayist claiming Assassin's Creed 2 was revolutionary, when it was basically doing nothing new, and was just ironing out the formula that was 99.99% established by a game that seemingly none of them heard of called... Assassin's Creed 1.

Halo is the game I always think of. There’s a much cooler alternate universe where Red Faction was delayed six months and was an Xbox launch title.

I miss those games so much. Nothing out there now compares to

Agreed. I got an original Xbox and Spliter Cell was the main thing I wanted. It didn't disappoint. Seeing those light rays through a rotating fan, shooting the bulbs and watching a room go dark, etc...never got old. It was a true "NOW THIS IS NEXT-GEN" moment.

Death Note, specifically for non-anime folks. It's really the only anime that I think even anime haters can love.

While the quality is uneven, it's still the #37 show on IMDb last I checked, and most people have never even considered watching it.

No spoilers please, in case anyone who reads this decides to give it a try.

Also, Steins;Gate.

Steins;Gate is one of those few shows I'd recommend which come with the annoying disclaimer "You need to watch until episode X and then you're in for a ride"

And what a ride. Tuturuuu.

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I feel like Children of Men (2006) doesn't get much recognition for being a chilling view of a future world or the respect it should with it's amazing long takes and excellent camera work. If possible watch the behind the scenes material about the car rig they built. It's so cool!

It's consistently mentioned for both of those aspects, actually. Like, google pretty much any review of the movie and you're going to see one or both of those things mentioned with almost absolute certainty.

agree it's not mainstream popular, but defnintly has a sizable following and frequently brought up. for good reason of course

Anarchy Online. The first sci-fi MMO, it was basically an unofficial Dune Online when it first released. Lots of very cool concepts, and is one of the deepest MMORPGs out there - personally the only MMO I know of with more depth is EVE Online. There are mysteries about the game mechanics that the player base don’t have an answer to even 22 years after the game’s release.

Comparable to EverQuest, Asheron’s Call, Dark Age of Camelot and even Star Wars Galaxies, all of which have a pretty thriving server emulation communities, nothing like that has ever really materialised for Anarchy Online, and while the official servers are still running, it seems like it’s only a matter of time before they’re turned off once and for all.

If you want to check it out, you can play the base game for free as long as you like with no real downsides except lack of access to expansion content. It’s very quiet though, compared to the hay day, and the economy is hilariously broken, but still an interesting peek into 23 year old MMORPG design.

Beyond good and evil.

It's sales were poor but the reviews were great. A fantastic adventure game with a great story and a world that felt so incredibly lived in. It had a bunch of interesting mechanics that focused on stealth rather than confrontation.

Playing it now the scope feels pretty small but it's still a very tight experience.

Ah good thing the sequel is coming out any day now!

Any day now..

Any day now..

Orphan Black.

Intriguing show that entertained throughout, backed by one of the greatest acting performances I've ever seen in tv by Tatiana Maslany.

Besides everything else, the show is a master class in acting. Every character has her own walk, speech pattern, and gestures.

Her acting skills on the series were amazing! She was my main reason to start She-Hulk, but meh.

Not sure if it depends on the region, but AFAIK Orphan Black it's a Netflix original and it's not on their platform anymore. I found out because of a mexican series, Triada which is way to similar to focus on the bits that make this story original.

iirc I first saw it on BBC America and haven't seen it offered on Netflix in my area.

Heroes. The first season was so damn good and then the last writers strike completely killed it.

If memory serves, it was written as a miniseries, not a show that would span multiple seasons. Then the network saw how popular it was and demanded multiple seasons. But the writers had already written all the source material they had expected to.

A lot of great shows were ruined because executives saw dollar signs and demanded more seasons, ruining great story telling and pacing.

Just about every successful Showtime show suffered from this. They just didn't know when to wrap things up and close up on a high note.

Not a miniseries but more like America Horror Stories, each season would close out and the next one would introduce new heroes with new problems discovering their powers. Like you stated dollar signs, and fear that the public wouldn't get it.

Remember when Peter's girlfriend got lost in time and then was never mentioned again...

Vinland Saga taught me that being kind makes me a stronger man and having no hate for anyone, even those who have wronged me will make me a happier person.

It definitely did make a very big impact on many people, and it's where all the "i have no enemies" memes originate from. But I do wish It had an even larger impact than it did as it's an answer to the constant fighting and arguments that has taken over many of our lives.

That sounds really interesting as I try (and often fail) to live my life that way.

Game Cube- Eternal Darkness

Absolutely loved that game. I even fell for a couple of it's tricks when your character loses too much sanity.

I played this with my now-wife; the most memorable of these for me was climbing into a room that had no enemies, just piles of treasure, and we were both saying, "Oh, wow, that's unexpected..." and whatnot, and after a few seconds we just looked at each other and said, "Wait, this is probably fake, isn't it..." just before it reverted.

Absolute gem of a game.

The fake-outs of things such as the TV volume adjusting were fun but obviously don't work for everyone as it wouldn't of matched their own TVs on screen graphics.

There was one however which claimed the GameCube memory card was corrupted and the save game was lost. Yeah, that freaked me out for a few seconds. 😁

I feel like if this one was particularly unknown, it wouldn't be so goddamn expensive.

You're right though, more people should play this

From what I can find, it sold less than half a million copies.

Less than half a million copies on a system that is generally considered a flop itself, market wise.

I'd say it's become well known, definitely, at least among fans of the horror genre. It deserved better, they had some really creative systems in play. Would be nice to see it made available for modern audiences, wish they could've gotten the sequel out, too.

There was a string of time between 2006 and 2009 where there were AMAZING new long format TV shows coming on... and promptly dying on the vine after a year due to bad advertising or ratings chasing.

Kings was a great TV show that deserved 4 more seasons.

Jericho Was an amazing show, that got dumped by Network after the first season.. and the fans were so infuriated that they crowdsourced funding to send over twenty tons of nuts to CBS in protest, Which forced them to greenlight a second season for like..5 or 6 episodes (first season was 22 episodes, as comparison) and left it hanging on a painfully huge cliffhanger. before cancelling it again.. Netflix even came forward and offered to buy the series and continue it on Netflix (Which all the actors were 100% on board with), and as a final FUCK YOU to the fans, CBS refused. They hated the show, tried to fuck over its second season hard, and hated the fans... and still refused to sell the rights to someone who would let it flourish.

God, typing this out has made me realize how irrationally angry I still am at CBS over the absolute fuckery they pulled with that show that I cant even think of the other shows at the moment.

Go watch Jericho. Its still a fucking awesome show, despite how much the c-suite hated it.

Any insight into why in the world they'd greenlight Jericho to begin with if they seemed so uninterested in supporting it? It's certainly not the first show to run into a situation like that, but it's always kind of interesting to see how the reasoning may vary across businesses with each show.

Probably a The Producers scenario where they expected to make money off its failure, and then it was successful and cost them more than they wanted since they betted against it.

Only reason I can think of. Only reason that makes any logical sense.

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Person of Interest - it not only anticipated NSA mass surveillance (with some SciFi elements but anyway) but also ethical questions about AI, the singularity of human intelligence and human nature in general. All while being a well told crime show with comedic and heartwarming moments.

Really good series. I was particularly happy to see Amy Acker get a juicy long-running role after getting screwed in Dollhouse.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,

The Knick

Only two seasons and it ended before it ever had a chance to get bad. The acting is phenomenal, sets are well designed, the background music choices are very unique for what you would expect in that time period. But it works! Cannot recommended it enough! If you can find it or “acquire” online I think it would be worth your time.

Did it end prematurely or is there a conclusion?

There’s a conclusion, it wraps up nicely. Give it a watch and decide for your self :)

All the damn Holocaust documentaries.

Oof. It's fucked, right? Growing up, I thought anti-Semitism was a joke, because how could anyone actually believe that?

I also was stupid and didn't realise how near the past was, and that bad ideas don't ever just disappear completely.

I only yesterday learned that some education instituitions in the US and Canada had limits on the number of Jewish students who could attend. The European countries who practiced this weren't so much of a surprise to me, but the fact that universities like Harvard did this was an eye opener.


Oh man, and that's by far the most talked-about genocide. Literally any other gets even less attention, and probably has sort-of-mainstream deniers.

Network wasn't underrated but has felt more relevant every decade but has been talked about less and less.

Showgirls tells a compelling story about poverty, fame, power, misogyny, and abuse. This film is severely underrated but also it is forgotten by most people who do not go looking for the lowest rated movies to watch ironically.

The second season of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex was really good and I find the story centered around a refugee crisis to be a much more compelling one. I feel like this season gets talked about less than the first and the movies, which are generally seen as masterpieces.

You didn't list books but I wanted to mention that Player Piano is one of the most precient books I have read and was written back in the 50s. Vonnegut is of course a well known and regarded writer but you'll rarely see his first novel topping lists even among just his own works, and so it doesn't get read and discussed as much as it should.

I think we must be close to peak relevance for Network, maybe on the downhill side. Technology is transforming the whole industry in a pretty dramatic way.

I'm adding Player Piano to my reading list.

Seconding Player Piano. Both it and Cat's Cradle were almost explicitly based on his time with GE, and they've both gained more cultural relevance over the years.

Welp, sound like I've gotta watch Showgirls. It sounds right up my alley. Thanks for mentioning it! I've saved your comment so that hopefully my forgetful self actually remembers to watch it when I have time!

Darklands (Video game)

It came out in 1992. Set in the 15th century Holy Roman Empire / Germany. It's a 4-character party isometric game that featuring real time combat, party members who aged and would die from old age, perma death, and fantastical elements based on historic folklore, Catholic saints, and alchemy.

Wow sounds super interesting. A bit like a precursor to Diablo?

It's an open world RPG with a main quest. Games like Dragon Age: Origins or Baldur's Gate and whatnot are probably more similar. GoG has it for $7 configured in a DosBox.

Nofair Fight has a let's play of it


Most Terence Malik films I guess? He's popular amongst film buffs, but I feel like his reach should be broader than that.

My friends and I went to see The Thin Red Line in the theater on opening night. It was literally a sold out showing. We ended up having to sit in the second row.

After the first 40 minutes or so we noticed a few groups of people walking out. 20 minutes later a few more groups left. It became a slow trickle of people just getting up and leaving.

When the movie ended and the credits began I turned around to look at who was left. There was literally just one other guy sitting a few rows behind us.

I get it. It came out on the heels of Saving Private Ryan, it was marketed as a similar style "war movie", it had a laundry list of big names who were only onscreen for a few minutes... all those people ended up watching a deep, languid reflection on life, love and the very nature of humanity. So yeah, not a typical formula for box office dynamite.

I understand why so many people would not be able to sit through the entire run time, but it's honestly their loss. I loved the movie, and the shock of turning around to see an empty auditorium made the experience even more memorable.

User instance checks out.

And yeah, their loss, I agree. And don't get me wrong, not everything Malik ever does works 100% for me. Tree of Life was good, but A Hidden Life was profound. I think anyone could find at least one of his films that would make them feel something deeply, if they had the patience.

Corncob TV: Just hours of naked, dead bodies busting through shit wood.

There can't possibly be that many dead bodies falling out of coffins every day. And there's no way one in every five of them are nude.

I never heard anything about ‘Crashing’ on HBO before just stumbling on it in the HBO app.

It’s a pretty funny show about a standup comedian trying to make it in NY while dealing with a divorce. It kind of feels like Louie if the protagonist had a positive outlook on life.

It’s not the greatest show ever, but it blows my mind that I’d never heard of it at all

I have vague memories of watching this years ago. It was amusing but not very memorable.

I grew up playing the 3D version of Centipede on the Sega Dreamcast. The game was a fundamental part of my childhood.

For whatever reason, I've never spoken to even a single other person who has ever played it (aside from my brother).

The level design was crazy. Tons of replayability, a low barrier to entry, but so difficult in the later worlds I never got close to finishing it. Soundtrack and sound effects I never got tired of hearing. Yet, no one seems to have heard of it.

Dreamcast games are very easily emulated, fyi, if you haven't played it in awhile. The Dreamcast is probably my favorite console of all-time. So many unique, warm and fuzzy late-night memories staying up with that bad boy.

Good shout. Been at least a decade since I tried emulating Dreamcast. Just need to make sure I buy a USB adapter for the controller, for the complete experience.

The Nice Guys deserved more recognition for sure.
It had little no advertisement at all and it was overshadowed by a lot of other movies that came out that year: La La Land, Deadpool, Rogue One, Split, The Founder, Captain Fantastic... These are just some of the big titles that came out in 2016.
The only reason I saw it was because they put it on at my local movie theater one evening that I had nothing better to do: I went in with low expectations and came out having seen one of my top favorite movies ever.

Damn, 2016 was a stacked year for film.

I forgot, there were also Manchester by the Sea and Moonlight, another two spectacular movies.
But 2016 was also the year of Batman v. Superman and Suicide Squad and those brought down the average a few notches...

Inglorious Basterds. This movie is well-loved and has widespread appeal, but I feel like it doesn’t really have the respect that it deserves. I feel like Pulp Fiction, Django Unchained, Kill Bill and even Reservoir Dogs have had more cultural impact, but Basterd’s is, imo, the closest Tarantino has come to a perfect film.

I nearly didn't watch Am I Being Unreasonable because it appeared to centre around a developmentally challenged wee boy, and the trailer looked like it would just be him making sarky remarks

Couldn't have been more wrong. Fantastic twisting story, often hilarious, and the kid was nowhere near as prominent or annoying as expected.

Also Daisy May Cooper is just legendary anyway

Highly recommended, but I think a lot of people didn't watch it for the same reason I nearly didn't

Series: 'dream on' , 'profit' and my favorite: 'nowhere man' .

Movies: 'blood in, blood out' and a french comedy (my goat), 'les parasites'.

Videogames: 'machiavelli the prince', 'gazillionaire', 'mashed', 'battleborn'

I'll add some when i'll remember :)

Loved "Dream on" although I don't know how it holds up. I've only seen it when it was new, and Family Guy has down the "cut to humorous clip" gag to death.

I don't know either, i haven't re-watched it since it aired, and i haven't really thought about it until now xD I guess it aged badly, but i will give it a shot :)

I’m late, but Six Feet Under is the best show ever made. Ever. It’s perfect. The ending is the best ending to a show ever. Ever.

Even my partner, who was in school to become a mortician, hasn’t heard of it. So we sat down and watched the whole thing together. I had seen it all before. We cried together.

Go watch Six Feet Under.

(Also it’s got Gay Dexter which is great)

Best show over is a stretch, but it holds it's own in the face of the giants HBO has created over the years.

That’s totally fair! Everything here is subjective. But you’re WRONG

But in all seriousness, I have seen a bajillion shows, and I struggle for think of one that, beginning to end, is better than SixFunder. Game of Thrones was honestly HEAVILY on-track…


Farscape was an absolutely fantastic show with one of the best villains ever. Characters were well thought out, they had motivations you could understand and showed character growth. Highly recommend for anyone who hasn't seen it.

Wayne Pygram should be a household name with his portral as Scorpius and Harvey.

The Mick! I'm not good at explaining why shows are great, why people should watch them, or why they should have been more popular, unfortunately..but I had to link this anyway since I didn't see it mentioned. It ended with a seriously heavy cliffhanger that comes out of nowhere and then...Fox cancelled the next season that the writers were told they would have. So it just kind of...ended. They did a shit job at properly advertising it and totally dicked it around. This show was way better than I thought it would be and I even tried to watch it and ended up abandoning it because it didn't grab me, but I gave it another chance and stuck it out and I'm so glad I did. It deserved so much better.

I'm confused by the prompt. The Big Lebowski was an amazing movie with great social commentary, but it was poorly received and mostly only had a cult following.

Arrested Development was just okay, nothing special, but is talked about by everyone and absolutely overrated. It's social commentary is nothing compared to Big Lebowski.

The two are antithesis of each other.

And then Firefly I have no idea what that even is. Is that a YA novel?

So your question is what's the antithesis of all these unrelated things? Also what's not underrated but has inadequate social impact, as if Big Lebowski or Arrested Development did have adequate social impact??

Also what’s not underrated but has inadequate social impact, as if Big Lebowski or Arrested Development did have adequate social impact??

I think OP refers to the fact that they didn't gain immediate popularity, rather they developed a cult following as time passed.
The Big Lebowski was almost a box office bomb, as it costed 15M$ and it struggled to raise 18M$ in the US, while Arrested Development poor scheduling didn't allow it to gain a sizeable audience right away, halting the production after the 3rd season.

Firefly is an excellent space western. Made by Josh Whedon, it lasted one season and got the movie Serenity as a "wrap up"

Fox intentionally killed the show. There's all sorts of drama that surrounded the series, but despite tons of fan support they couldn't save the show.

Firefly is the okiest space western ever, but it got cancelled by fox around 2000 and people started sacrificing their left testicles to try to bring about it's return.

Firefly had an great cast the stories were Okay, they were made better by the cast.

More people need to watch Wheel of Time. Go. Watch it now. Season two comes out in less than a week.

Horrible abomination to anyone who read the books.

The climax in book one was really well done, in the series it just… misses the point entirely

Make sure to go watch the Sword of Truth series so that your disappointment can continue.

This show was the television equivalent of the smell of a dead skunk being roasted over a tire fire.

I have to disagree with you so hard on this. The show started OKish, but by the end was just bad. I was hoping they would just drop it. Hell, even the old Billy Zane version of the show was better.

That show should come with the disclaimer to avoid the season finale at all costs. Just terrible.